13 | AGAIN

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"so last time, you came to rant to me about the picture, and now, you're here to rant to me about the kiss?" jisung asked, wanting to confirm the reason for his chinese friend to visit this time around.

a nod from the older was enough for the light blue haired male to let out a sigh. "is jaemin going to be next?" he muttered under his breath, making sure it was inaudible to the other male.

jaemin had come to the light blue haired boy the day before to ask for help from something, but it wasn't really related to the kiss, and jisung had no idea what he was talking about anyway. so, he told jaemin to go to either guanheng or johnny and sent him on his way. now, here he was, not even twenty four hours later and another one of the three boys involved had come to him to either rant or ask for assistance that the young male couldn't provide them.

"what was that?" renjun asked, to which jisung just shook his head and passed it by, not wanting to go into details about what he said or even educate the other about what he had said.

"what about the kiss?" jisung asked, not really intrigued by the story he had heard for nearly the third time now. hearing it once from jeno when the brown haired male went to complain to him about it was enough.

"i don't know... maybe just the fact that i fucking kissed jeno in front of jaemin!" the chinese male exclaimed, not bothering to censor himself while yelling in jisung's face about why the kiss was so problematic.

"yep, because it totally makes sense as to why that's such a big problem," the sarcasm from the light blue haired male did not help to calm the mood in the room. in fact, it only seemed to enrage the chinese male further.

"this is not the time to act like poppy when all the trolls were about to get eaten," renjun commented. for some reason, he was still in the mood to make a reference to 'trolls', and it made jisung struggle to hold back a laugh.

"okay, okay, sorry," the light blue haired male said, not actually meaning what he had said but wanting to move past it and get to the point. "so... about the kiss."

"right," the chinese boy said, clearly losing his train of thought for a good ten seconds while scolding jisung for taking his concern as a joke. "i'm... worried."

"about what? that jaemin saw you two kiss?"

a nod from the chinese male was all jisung needed. he let out a sigh after nodding his head as a response, letting his thoughts run around in his head as he processed the situation.

"i just... don't know what he will think of me. his best friend... kissing his crush," the solicitous and paranoid tone of the red haired male became obvious, and it became a bigger deal to jisung once he realized that this was very heavily affecting the chinese male.

"hey, hyung. i don't think you need to worry too much. if jaemin didn't say anything about it, it should be okay. plus, it was an accident. you guys aready explained that to him," the korean male tried to assure renjun, but it didn't seem to be very effective.

"even if it was an accident, he still witnessed it, and he still most likely would've felt jealous of it."

another sigh was heard from jisung; however, it was quite inaudible to the chinese male. "let's not assume anything without knowing jaemin's point of view. for all we know, he might not even be thinking much of it. i mean, he understood that it was an accident, right?"

renjun nodded his head as an answer to the question that the younger provided. jisung did have a point: it was an accident and jaemin clearly acknowledged that, but that didn't change the way the red haired male felt about the entire situation.

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