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I opened the door to see Tammy standing there, a blue bag in her hand as well as a balloon that says 'IT'S A GIRL' but the word girl is crossed out and replaced with 'BOY'. "Hi, Tammy." I chuckle, bringing her in for a hug. We walk into the main living area where everyone else is. "Hey, Cassie?" I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Bella standing there. "Should we go bring down the man of the hour?" She asks with a smile on her face. I nod my head, following her upstairs. We walk into Jamie's room, seeing him lying in his crib, looking around the room. I pick him up and follow Bella back downstairs.

"Okay everyone, listen up." I let Bella walk into the room first as I stayed back a bit so that we could give Jamie a grand entrance. "I would like to officially welcome our baby boy. Hold on, quick disclaimer, sorry for the delayed introduction, we had something come up." Everyone slightly laughed at it, knowing that it was now something that we can look back on and no longer have to worry about. "So I have the amazing pleasure to introduce Cassandra and I's brand new baby boy, Jamie Patrick!" Everyone clapped and cheered as I walked into the room, holding Jamie.

I walk around the room, introducing everyone to Jamie. "Oh, he is just so darling." Bella's mother gushes, holding onto his hand. "Thank you, Mrs Patrick," I replied, bouncing Jamie up and down slightly so everyone could see his beautiful smile. "Why do I have to tell you this every time? Call me Bethany." She tells me in an almost frustrated tone with a slight chuckle at the end.

Jamie is brought around to all of his aunties and grandmothers. Jamie is eventually getting taken from my arms by Bella's mother, seeing as she was so desperate to hold him.

Bella wraps her arm over my shoulder, resting her head on mine. "When we found out that Jamie was a boy, I got slightly worried that the whole family would turn on us. I failed to realise how supportive our family truly is." She confesses, a hint of guilt showing in her voice for thinking badly about her family. I look back towards where Jamie is, being absolutely gushed at by all of our parents. "Even if our family had turned on us, we would've always had each other. No matter what." I tell her, before properly pulling her into a hug.

"So Cassie," I hear my name and pull away from Bella to see my mum walking up to us. Bella excuses herself as my mum stands in front of me with a small smile on her face. "How have you been handling all of this. I think with all of this mayhem, we have sort of forgotten to check up on you." I smile at the gesture. "Thanks mum, I guess now that we have Jamie back, everything feels right in the world again. Though he is never leaving my eyesight again." I tell her, turning my head to see Bella holding Jamie with a wide smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you, and I can't believe that you and Bella would ever think that us, your family, would ever disown you because you created something unintentionally. We love you both so much and nothing could change that." I feel a few tears begin to fall down my face as I wrap my arms around her tightly, being so thankful to have her in my life.

"Alright everyone, shall we have some food?" I hear Bella call out to everyone. Cheers are heard from around the room as everyone makes their way over to the table that has a spread of delicious food and drink.

As I go to grab a plate, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door, I look through the peephole before opening it, considering the number of times we have had to open the door only to find no one there. The person who was standing behind the door was someone who I thought I would never see in a million years. "Who is it?" I hear Jo call out. I don't say anything, too shocked to speak. I turn towards Jo with a shocked look, my eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. She walks up to me, obviously concerned due to my facial expression and looks through the peephole before opening the door. "What the hell do you think you are doing, bringing him here?"

Standing before us was Detective Davis, who was holding Peyton Smith by his hands that were handcuffed behind his back. Peyton had his head lowered whilst the detective was looking at us with a sort of sympathetic smile across her face. Bella walks up behind us, no longer having Jamie in her arms. "Why is that here?" She asks in pure disgust. "He is here because he wants to apologise." the Detective tells us. "Well, we don't want your apology, because it means absolutely nothing to us. There is no way in hell that you will ever be forgiven for the despicable act that you committed. I hope that you never see sunlight again, you should be in jail for the rest of eternity. What is he even doing out? Why is he here? He shouldn't be here." Bella spits the words out as if they were venom dripping from her tongue. "I'm here because even thou-" He starts, "Like I said, we don't want to hear anything from you. I don't even want you to so much as breathe in our direction." Bella interrupts him. "Just hear him out? Please?" She sighs before nodding, crossing her arms whilst glaring at the handcuffed man.

"I just wanted to say that even though I will be in jail, you will not have your son for long. That's all, take me away no. Toodle-oo." He says before turning and walking away, somewhat pulling on Detective Davis who was still holding on to his handcuffs. We all stand there in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened. I turn to Bella, who shared the same expression as me. "I think we should move house now." 

BLUE - Caitlin SzmerlingWhere stories live. Discover now