Part Five

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I slowly open my eyes but shut them tightly when the room is too bright. My mouth is Sahara Desert dry and my head is pounding mercilessly. I groan out loud and roll over, ready to give Lola her morning cuddles. Only, when I open my eyes she's not there.

I start to panic a bit because she always sleeps with me. Despite feeling like I could puke at any moment, I throw the blankets away from my body and stumble out of my room.

"Lola? Where are-?" I stop short, frozen in the doorway of my room.

Roman, the guy who is a detective on my case, the extremely sexy Roman Archer,  is asleep on my couch. My breath catches in my throat.

Lola is sleeping next to him, curled up in a ball by his arm. He is so large he's sleeping with his legs bent, and his shirt is off, revealing his amazing chest and tattoos.

Okay, I did not remember him telling me he would sleepover. But to be fair, I do not remember getting home. I hope I did not ask him to stay with me, because that would be really embarrassing.

I decide to hop in the shower and fix myself up while he's still sleeping since I'm still in last night's dress and my hair is in a long knot. I try to remember what happened last night, but all I can remember is my brother reminding me about my dad's birthday party in Colorado.

Once I shower, I put on a big hoodie with some pajama shorts and my slippers. I leave my wet hair to dry down my back, and I head back to the living room to face Roman.

When I open my bedroom door, Roman is in my kitchen pouring creamer into two mugs. He turns when he sees me, but his face does not change from his usual intimidating look. Sadly, he has his shirt back on.

"I let Lola out," He says.

"Thanks," I smile at him, and walk over to my dog and give her kisses.

I stand up and Roman hands me my coffee. "Thanks, Roman. Um, why did you stay the night?"

I am too nervous to look him in the eyes, so I continue to pet Lola and stare at her cute face.

"You were intoxicated. I had to be here in case anything were to happen." Roman has zero emotions. I don't even think he knows how to smile.

When I think about it, I can remember tiny pieces of last night and I think that he was nice to me. But I nod at his response, acting indifferent.

"Right. Thanks." I try to use his monotone voice, but I fail miserably, and even to my own ears, I sound sad.

So what if I wanted him to want to stay over for me, not just the case! I scold myself for even thinking that. He's a detective, literally working on my case to protect me and catch a bad guy. Us could never happen. He's probably being paid for being here. Suddenly my hangover feels even worse and I need to lay down.

"I'm going to lay down," I call Lola to me and we climb into bed, not waiting for a response.

I do not know a single thing about Roman, but for some reason, I feel so drawn to him. I'm hurting my own feelings by thinking we could have a chance.

I hear the front door slam shut and lock a few moments later. My heart snaps even more. I sigh. I'm feeling way too sad for just a silly crush.

The next day when my hangover is gone, I send a text to Roman. My heart is beating out of my chest, I have never texted him before. I know I have to do something, I can't leave things with how they ended yesterday. I am going to be seeing him a lot anyway.

10:32 am- hi roman, it's lennon.

I decide to keep it simple. I'm nervous, and my eyes stay glued to my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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