Drabble #1: Fire

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A/n: Hey guys, I'm getting back into writing a little bit, and I might just start writing dumb little drabbles instead of an actual story. 

!!Trigger Warnings!!:

people burning alive 

So, heres the concept:

If someone had the power to make fire, wouldn't that be incredibly dangerous without proper training? What if their family didn't support the special abilities, and they got the power despite their family's warning? 

And heres the full drabble:

It was his 18th birthday, so he went to the office and filled in the paperwork to get his power, and chose fire powers because he thought that would be cool. When he got home, he showed it off to his little brother, and like little children do, he told their mom and she got incredibly mad at him. They shouted hateful words at each other and he stormed up to his room in a fit of rage.

That night, he sat in bed playing with orbs of fire, and when one wiley flame hit his comforter, and his bed caught on fire. He panicked, scared of what his mother would say, he tried to put it out silently, but he had lost control over it. By the time he was back with water, the fire had spread too far. For some reason there wasn't a fire alarm in his room, so the fire kept eating away at the walls, floor, and furnishings of his room, fast. Terrified of facing his mother's wrath, he decided to hide, he didn't know what to do, all he could think about was how angry his mother would be. He never considered what could happen to his family if he didn't do anything, all he had on his mind was avoiding his mom. Fear crept into the deepest crevices of his skull, and as he sat, hiding in the bathroom.

While he sat on the floor, cautiously keeping the flames off of himself he began to realize what he had done. He jumped up and sprinted to his brother's room, flames singeing the hairs on his arms and legs, but by the time he made it to his brothers room, it was too late. How could he have not noticed the smell of burning flesh? He curled up in a ball, hugging his brother's burning corpse, sobbing until the fire fighters arrived, When the fire was finally put out, to their surprise, they found him hugging his brother's charred corpse, weeping and muttering, "It's my fault, It's my fault, It's all my fault, It's my fault" under his breath.

Everyone had assumed that, since their family didn't support the use of powers, all the people in the house had died. However, as it turned out, his single mother couldn't keep him away from the very thing that killed his father and countless other relatives in the past. The very powers he had longed for so much as a child would become the very thing he despised above all else.

In the days and months following the incident, many things happened, he was handed a large stack of paperwork about what he would do with the house. He inherited everything that his mother owned, her will was signed to him and his brother. He was admitted to a mental hospital and later charged with 3rd degree murder. On the day of his trial he gave no defense, he killed them, there was no refuting it. He wanted to go back in time and stop himself from ever going to the office to get an ability. Above all else, he wished he could say, "I love you," one last time, and thank his mother for everything she did for him.

A/n: I hope y'all liked this, cuz I will probably write more stories like this, pointing out how super powers can go wrong, btw, people go to a place to get powers, so thats what the 'office' refers to.

- Enzzy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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