Act of Kindness (Thiam TW)

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Theo just got home from arresting a group of hunters with Argent, the new werewolf Alec, and Derek. The group of hunters was tracking a pack in lower California, however, Argent heard reports of them through some secret connections he placed within Monroe's group. This is what they would do Argent would find them. Derek, Theo, Alec, and he would go find evidence of violence, trap them with their own deeds. Then, Rafael McCall and the FBI would come along and arrest them. It was good work, good money.

Alec and he became decent friends; the werewolf was adopted by Melissa and Argent. He was younger than him but had no interest in going to school with the other ones. The chimera would even train with him once in a while. He almost treated him like a little brother. Argent, Derek, and he may not trust each other completely, but they all respected each other. Argent could tell the change in Theo; the boy was growing on him. Derek and he didn't know much about each other, but they both knew how to fight. Scott trusted him, so Theo naturally did. Derek didn't care about the chimera's past; if he can forgive Peter, he could forgive a kid manipulated since the age of 10.

Theo managed to have an apartment on his own, food on the table, and even got a new wardrobe. When he wasn't out with them, he would hang with Liam and the rest of the so-called puppy pack. Liam became his best friend; the boy enjoyed his company. Theo couldn't resist those blue eyes. Mason and Corey were at least comfortable enough with him to have him around. Nolan was just happy to have friends.

The chimera got out of the shower, ate dinner, and was about ready to start a new book when his phone began to ring; it was Mason.

"Mason?" Theo picked up. They were acquaintances, sure, but Mason never called him. It was always Liam.

"Have you heard from Liam?"

"No, I haven't been in town for the past three days; what happened?" Theo could hear the concern in his own voice. Did something happen to the boy? Does he need rescues? Is he hurt, or even dead? Theo's mind raced.

"He didn't come to school today or answer my phone calls, texts, nothing. Corey and I are over to his house, and no one is home."

"Any signs of a struggle?" Theo asked panicked over Mason's statement.

"Corey, do you see anything out of line?" Mason called out to his boyfriend.

"Nothing, I can't even sense anything," Theo heard the chameleon answer.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," Theo quickly hung up the phone and ran out the door. He got into his truck and rushed over to the beta's house.

Mason and Corey were outside, awaiting his arrival.

"Nothing from him?" Theo looked at them.

Mason shook his head.

"When was the last time, you heard anything from him?"

"He left practice normally last night," Corey told the chimera.

"He texted me a math question at eight last night," Mason replied.

"Well, he asked me how our hunt went yesterday at 10, so I guess I talked to him last," Theo muttered, "what about Nolan?"

Mason picked up his phone and called the boy, "Nolan, when was the last time you talked to Liam?"

"We didn't talk after lacrosse practice," Nolan told him, "why, did you figure out why he wasn't at school?"

"No, we are at his house," Mason informed the boy.

"I'll be over in a few minutes," Nolan hung up the phone.

Theo and Corey went into the house; they were right. There were no signs of struggle, strong emotions, or anything.

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