Chapter 1 - The Mission

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Elena Vanderbilt

I looked at around. *cough* God. Just disgusting old men drinking and smoking. Not that it surprised me anyhow. I mean there was always the possibility of second hand smoking. But no job is perfect I guess.

There were a few beaten up looking guys sitting at the bar table just looking at me up and down.

I quickly shot them a harsh look. It didn't take less than five seconds for them to turn away.

I loved that. I loved being a woman and scaring them away with just a simple deathly glance. Leaving that to the side, what the hell is wrong with men these days? A lot I can see.

Suddenly a tall, skinny, light haired, guy headed towards my direction.

Ah that must be him.

He had on a simple green blazer with a white shirt underneath, beige pants, and extremely cleaned black dress shoes. His hair was well done with obvious effort put into it. Accompanied with that a pair of glasses, on his straight nose.

"Miss Vanderbilt?" the well dressed guy in front of me asked.

"Mr. Windsor?" I responded.

"Oh yes! Well, I do have to admit you are not exactly what I envisioned..." he said shyly while scratching the back of his neck.

"Ha. What were you expecting? Me in a Black Widow suit?" I laughed.

"Nice one," he replied.

Well, hello there. I guess it's time I introduce myself right? My name is Elena Vanderbilt, but nobody really knows me by that name. I'm most often referred to as "The Assassin." In short words my job consists of me looking pretty for fancy wealthy business men, slowly getting to know them, and sneaking out information or luring them into the trap I have been paid to set up.

A lot of people would also refer to me as "heartless."

I personally would call myself a woman of many qualities. I am fluent in 7 languages. I am a first place champion in Karate. And I have served as a military sniper for one and a half year. The most impressive thing here is that I have managed to accomplish all of this by the remarkable age of 21.

Now, these might all seem like great achievements but I can promise you-

The life I'm living right now is not how I could have ever envisioned my life to be like and I have paid a high price for it.

You see... I was once just a happy little girl with a big loving Colombian/American family. I used to simply enjoy a perfect normal childhood on a small town of Columbia, where me and my family owned a large flourishing garden. It had been passed down from generation to generation to the point where it became my Papa's. It was my Papa's greatest pride. Now that I think back to the way my childhood went from being a fairytale to a modern-day horror story- made me want to throw up. My life changed once again the night when I happened to receive a phone call from Mr. Windsor.

"Ok, I am ready to be informed on my future case," I firmly stated.

"Yes. You will be informed once The Hawk gets here," he spoke.

"What the hell, the Hawk?!" I exclaimed confused.

The name "The Hawk" relates to spy terminology meaning a male agent whose job is to seduce female targets in order to gain intelligence. Basically just a male version of the Assassin. Unfortunately this was not my first encounter with a Hawk, and I have to admit that the last time I did, it was not a very pleasant experience to say the least.

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