He's just a kid

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This wasn't the first time he had participated in one of these underground fighting events. Somehow, he had ended up on one of the top places in the solo bedwars ranks. Purpled was quite well known in the illegal fighting community, which speaks for itself. The admins of the tournament favored him since he was one of the longest surviving contestants. The main reason why the event was considered dangerous and illegal was because of the permadeath glitch. Nearly all of the fighters who fell into the void never respawned. Purpled had seen it happen with his own two eyes.
It started when he was only 13. His parents had brought him to the arena to watch them fight on the battle grounds. The boy could only observe as his parents fell off of the platform due to a sneak attack and never came back. He sat there, stunned, for who knows how long. Still dazed by his parents' deaths, the admins saw an opportunity and pushed him into the stage. The bright lights shining overhead brought him back to reality. A feeling of dread and fear bubbled inside him as he realized where he was standing. He was standing, front and center, on the battlefield.
A disgustingly sweet voice came through the speakers and announced, "The show must go on! Introducing, our youngest fighter of the day, PURPLED!!!" The crowd roared to life and the cheers shook through the arena. There wasn't a moment to spare. A heavily built man began speed bridging across to his base. He had to act quickly...
Using blocks to protect his bed, he dashed into the small shelter to gather supplies. He only managed to craft an iron chestplate and helmet before the enemy started sprinting towards his bed. On pure adrenaline, he dodged the attacks the other threw at him, barely grazing by him. Seeing an opening, Purpled twisted his body and used all of his strength to punch the man's face. There was a loud crunch as the larger opponent scrambled back a few steps. Noticing that he was now vulnerable, Purpled used a block to push him off of the edge. This will buy me some time! He began crafting an iron sword, but was interrupted by the crowds' sudden excitement. Looking towards the enormous screens at the sides of the stadium, he sees his face with the caption 'Winner' underneath it. Quickly snapping his head towards the enemy base, he saw no sign of movement. They didn't respawn.
He did it! He won. That was a bit anticlimactic, but who cares, he survived! I swear to God I'm never doing that again. He exited the stage through a back door that spawned behind his base.
People with unrecognizable faces congratulated him before he was dragged into a small room. Strangers shoved food and medical supplies into his arms and shut the door behind them. I'm exhausted. The adrenaline eventually wore off and he examined his condition. His knuckles were bruised and bloody from breaking the enemy's nose. He had small cuts from when the sword came a little too close to his small body. Talking a sip of a healing potion, he started as the bruises and cuts faded away. A few minutes later, an admin came in with some assistants, which confused Purpled. Why am I still here? Can I leave now?, he wanted to ask.
Firm hands grabbed his arms and pinned him down on the wooden table that stood in the center of the room. He tried to turn around and wiggle out of their grasp, but the gloved fingers gripped even tighter. Before he could protest, his hoodie was pulled down, revealing the soft skin of his neck and shoulder blades. The cold air pricked at his back and sent a shiver down his body. Suddenly, the cold was replaced with an agonizing burning sensation that dug into his skin. Shit-hot itburns it hurts- stop His vision blurred with tears as he cried out and yelled at them to stop. Every cell in his body screamed at him to get away, but no matter how much he thrashed around, the hands kept a death grip on him.
After what felt like ages, the hands let go of hot trembling body and the scorching flames were removed from his skin. His vision went black as he passed out from the lingering pain and his newly discovered exhaustion. Hours later, he awoke from his deep slumber and the first thing he noticed was the excruciating pain that shot through his nerves as he sat up. Slowly making his way towards the dusty window near the back of the room, he stared at his reflection. I look like a mess, he lightheartedly joked. When he reached the window, he carefully peeled the hood of his purple sweater down to reveal the red, agitated skin where the pain was inflicted. His skinned had been singed to a darkish red color right below the nape of his neck in the shape of an Ender Dragon with an arrow shot through it.
The mark disgusted him. It brought up many bittersweet memories that her shared with his parents. They both proudly showed off the insignia that had been permanently emblazoned into their skin. Purpled wondered if they would look at it the same way had they known that it would lead to their deaths. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he quickly grabbed a healing potion that had been left on the floor, taking another sip in hopes that the scar would fade away. It didn't. He sighed as reality dawned on him.
"They're gone.", he said to empty space. Tears slipped down his cheeks as he curled up on the stone cold floor. He sobbed for hours, reminiscing the happy moments he had spent with his family until the tears stopped and exhaustion took over.
That was supposed to be the end of it. He was supposed to leave the wretched place that took away his loved ones and never look back. There was no reason to stay. Still, he found himself typing in the IP address to the illegal server, standing on the coordinate that was scribbled on a sticky note. It was out of spite that he continued to slaughter his opponents in cold blood. Out of spite that he danced with his opponents on the very grounds that brought death to his parents. Over time, it became something more like a hobby than a way to release his grief and anger. The adrenaline, the fear, and the power that flowed through his veins while standing on the stage always brought him back.
There were other events he participated in that were legal. It was at one of these events where he met Dream and was invited to the SMP. The masked man was intrigued by how gracefully Purpled weaved through an onslaught of attackers and cut them down one by one. He hasn't heard of any talented PVP players in Hypixel going by the name 'Purpled'. "Hey! My name is Dream. That was some nice fighting you did back there.", the older introduced himself after the event. Purpled was taken back a bit before answering with, "Uhm thanks..."
"I honestly think you're quite talented. I was uhh wondering if you would be willing to join my server?", the blonde rambled on, "Of course, you don't have to, but it would be great if you did- I'm just giving you an option-if you'd like to." After a bit of pondering, Purpled agreed to join the server, which Dream was ecstatic about.
It was his ticket out of the place that had burdened him for so long. He could leave his past behind and never look back. They would never know... An opportunity of a lifetime and he took it eagerly.
The people on the server babied him too much, especially his big brother figure Punz. The older was kind to him and treated him with affection. It made him feel wanted and he wasn't lonely anymore. Until the wars began. He preferred to be impartial and her was in good terms with almost everyone. But it became suffocating as he sat up in his UFO in silence for days on end.
It felt like an eternity before Christmas Day rolled around and the war was held at a ceasefire. It was a day for celebration, but tension still stirred in the air as everyone sat down to have a feast. Something feels off... As if on queue, 5 stacks of TNT exploded from under the benches, setting the beautiful Christmas tree on fire. Purpled watched as the leaves turned charcoal black and branches shriveled up into ashes. It was quite calming considering the chaos of war blooming around it. Someone placed a hand on his shoulder and he instinctively grabbed his netherite sword, swinging at them.
Everyone froze and stared from Purpled to Dream's broken mask and to the freckled face with a now bleeding cut. The burning tree illuminated the two and made the teen's small purple eyes seem almost glowing. The boy gave a look of fear, frustration, and pure bloodlust. Before anyone could react, he ran from the scene wanting to get as far away as possible. Unfortunately, Punz quickly caught up to him using an ender pearl. He pinned the shorter face down and waited for the rest of the group to arrive. Purpled tried to squirm away, but it was useless under the other's weight. They probably hate me... I'm a monster.
They all came to a mutual agreement to pause the fighting for the time being since they were worried about Purpled. It was shocking since they had never seen that side of him before. Punz let go as soon as they arrived, but held onto his wrist slightly as if he was scared teen would run. No one was quite sure what to say at this point, everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Purpled subtly looked at his surroundings for the first time and noticed that there was a ravine a few meters away from them. Despite everything in him telling him to escape, part of him wanted to get this all off of his chest. To tell them all of his secrets and come clean.
Dream spoke up first, "Purpled... I'm sorry for startling you. I had no idea you would react like that." Punz cautiously added, "Is there something wrong? Something you haven't told us?" He wanted to scoff, but held back because who knew that he was a top ranking PVP fighter in an illegal tournament at the age of 17. Instead, he sighed and pulled down his loose purple hoodie. Looks of confusion turned into looks of understanding, concern, and pity.
He decided not to wait for an answer and wrenched his arm out of Punz's grip, running towards the edge of the ravine. Punz sprinted after him and yelled in shock as Purpled jumped off of the ledge. Trying to grab hold of the younger's arm, but it was too late. The text 'Purpled fell from high place' popped up. They shared the same looks before heading towards Purpled's UFO. For now, they needed to make sure he was safe, his past could wait another day.
Happy Holidays! 😊

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