Chapter 1

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In a forrest we see a chestnut teenager boy on the ground crying. This boy was Issei Hyoudou the wielder of the booster gear which holds the red dragon emperor Ddraig. You must be wondering why the boy was crying, well it all happed a few hours ago


It's been 2 months after the ORC defeated Riser in a ranking game, during this time the girls in the club started to distance themselves from the boy. At the start Issei had a bad feeling at what they were doing but discarded it off as paranoia and let them be. But today was different, as Issei was going back to the club after doing a contract a Phoenix magic circle appeared in front of him. He stopped as Riser appeared from it, Issei summoned his booster gear and got ready to fight "Chill I'm not here to fight, I only just want to talk." Riser said making Issei calm down a bit. "About what?" Issei asked narrowing his eyes at the Phoenix.

"Well I'm sure you've noticed all the girls in your stupid club have been away from you quit a lot." Riser said making Issei nod as he continued "Well I had some of my peerage investigate into the manner and they found something even I can't believe." He finished making Issei's start to worry on what they must be doing. "W-what did you find." Issei asked hesitantly not really ready to find out. Riser sighed as he said "Well turns out your girlfriends are getting with some guy behind your back." At that Issei froze at the spot, they dating another guy behind him. He looked Riser as he as he started to treble "Do you have any proof of this claim." Issei asked in a shaky voice.

Riser then pulled out a folder and gave it to Issei who opened it slowly. As it was fully open Issei's heart broke, inside the folder where pictures of the ORC girls with the same guys having fun, in cafes or restaurants, holding hands and kissing. At this point tears started rolling down Issei's face as he looked at Raiser "W-why did you do this?" He asked making Riser smile sadly "You opened my eyes Hyoudou and showed me the errors of my ways, this was me repaying you for what you did for me. I'll take my leave now." Riser said as he disappeared in a making circle. After the Phoenix left Issei just ran to the forrest nearby.

End of flashback

Now his here crying over what he just learned. He started having memories of him and the girls when suddenly a large amount of blood came out of his mouth "Ddraig w-what's happening to me?" Issei asked his partner as the booster gear appeared on his hand "Since your part dragon you also suffer their diseases. Right now you have a disease called Dragon fall." Ddraig informed Issei making the boy sit down and asked in confusion "Dragon fall, What's that?" "Dragon fall happens when a dragon's mate betrays them, as time passes the dragons magic starts to slowly kill them from the inside. Since you had multiple lovers I estimate that you have about 2 months left until you die." Ddraig finished in sadness in his tone.

"Is there anyway for it to be cured?" Issei asked looking down at his gauntlet "The are two way. First you must forget about your lovers. The other way is a ritual where your feeling's of those you once loved are erased from your mind but no dragon has ever survived while doing this." Ddraig explained letting Issei think about what he wanted to do. "Hey partner I think I should tell you something." Ddraid said out of nowhere as Issei raised a eyebrow "What is it about?" The boy asked the sealed dragon "It's about the time you died." Ddraig said making Issei look at him with surprise but listed to what the dragon had to say "Don't you find it weird that the Grimory girl knew exactly were you where killed and more to that just before you headed out randomly handed you a summoning slip for no reason what so ever."

Issei's eyes widened to what the dragon said "Are you saying what I think your saying." The boy asked not really believing what the dragon was suggesting "Yes partner. She knew that a fallen was in her territory and was after you but instead of killing it before it did anything to you she just left it, letting it kill you so she could reincarnate you as her pawn." Ddraig said while Issei absorbed the information and thought about it and saw it true. Rias did let him die so she could have his secret gear.

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