PT.2: Ranking games

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#Akame Vs Kiba#

Kiva was Infront of the school running to the music clubroom when he stopped seeing Akane standing at the school's entrance. The girl kept an emotionless face as Kiva summoned a sword and got into a stance, "Get out of the way, I don't want to hurt you." Kiba exclaimed. Akame grabbed Murasame's handle as she said "You should be more concerned about yourself instead of your opponent."

The Hyoudou knight then disappeared in a burst of speed making Kiba's eyes widen. The young man was burly able to block the sword attack that was aimed for his throat. "Hm? You were able to block that? Seems like you'll give me some entertainment after all." Akame said hurting the Grimory knights pride to be exclaimed as nothing but entertainment.

Becoming angry Kiba attacked the girl using his full speed but Akame was effortlessly doing all his attempts, "Is this really your top speed? I'm disappointed." The young lady stated boredly angering Kiba more. The young man created a field of swords around him and his opponent and started attacking grabbing and using different swords each time.

This still was not enough as Akame still dodged and blocked each sword strike. Finding this a waste of time Akame decided to finish the battle with one attack. She build up her mana into her legs and disappeared faster than Kiba's eyes could follow. The Grimory knight had his guard up as he looked around for the girl.

A small cut formed on Kiba's cheek as Akame appeared behind the young man flicking the small amount of blood off her blade before sheathing it. "This was a waste of my time, my king is a much more better swordsman and a better challenge than you, devil." Akame exclaimed. Before Kiba could turn around and say something when he felt a large amount of pain coming from his cut cheek. He fell to his knees as his veins popped out, glowing red and his eyes turning blood shot.

He coughed out a massive amount of blood as his body soon went limo and he fell face first, dead as dead can be. His body disappeared as people heard Azazel say "The Grimory knight piece has been eliminated." Sighing Akame get her wings out and started flying away thinking to herself, "I wonder how the others are doing."

#Hajime Vs Kanoko#

Kanoko was wondering in the school's gym, when she was half way through it she heard a clicking sound. Stopping in her tracks the neko looked at the basketball hoop were the sound originated from to see Hajime sitting there aiming a revolver at her. "Seems like I got myself a little kitty." the white haired boy said with a smirk.

Kanoko then got into a fighting stance, "Get out of my way, NOW." the loli said making Hajime chuckle. He then jumped down from his spot and shot at Kanoko. Not used to the speed of a bullet and not a speed type of fighter, she was barely able to dodge. She then jumped at the half dragon but because of her small stature, the Hyoudou rook kicked her away before she could reach his head.

Rolling to a stop, Kanoko had to dodge another furry of bullets before Hajime's revolver ran out of bullets. Sighing the young man made the weapon disappear, seconds later both his hands glowed as he looked at the small girl "I guess if it's s fist fight that you want then a fist fight is what you'll get." Hajime exclaimed and punched his fists together as he equipped some black knuckle dusters.

Jump a bit on the spot Hajime shot towards Kanoko who also shot at the boy. Meeting half way they both sent a punch at each other to which their attacks collided with one another creating a shockwave. The neko was surprised when she noticed Hajime overpowering her, cursing she used a small amount of senjutsu to keep their coalition a stall mate.

Hajime then pulled his arm back and crouched turning his body around and went to trip the girl with a kick to her legs but she jumped over the attack. What she didn't know what that Hajime expected this and grabbed the girl by the foot and started ragdolling and slamming the neko into the ground multiple times.

After two minutes of this torture Hajime stopped and held the now bloody girl in the arm as she tried to stay conscious. "Well kitty this was fun but It's time for me to put you down." the white haired boy exclaimed as he created a pump action shotgun and put the end of the gun's barrel into Kanoko's mouth.

Not wasting time the young man pulled the trigger and literally shot the girl's brains out and onto the floor. Throwing the loli's body away as it started to disappear, that was when Azazel announced "The Grimory rook has been eliminated. The Grimory peerage is down two pieces while the Hyoudou peerage still has all of its pieces, what a stunning predicament everyone."

Making the shotgun disappear Hajime put both his hands in his pocket and walked away

#Nero Vs Murayama & Katase#

Nero was sitting on top of the Kendo clubhouse cloud watching when he heard a voice shout at him, “Hey you! Come down here and fight us!” the young man looked down to see Murayama and Katase  with their secret gears out which happen to be swords.

Nero grinned and stood up while pulling Blue rose out “Ah so you're the two that always beat King until he was near death when he has just being dragged into picking on you.” Nero exclaimed.

The two girls flinched when they heard the young man say that. “How do you know that!?!” Katase shouted making Nero chuckle as he put a finger on his lips “That's my secret ladies.” He soon jumped down onto the ground and shot at the girl's who dodged and rushed him in retaliation.

They both attacked him at the same time using their surprisingly good teamwork to try and take him down. Nero dodges the sword slashes and shot at them again grazing their arms and  legs making them wince.

Murayama jumped up and did a downward attack to which Nero blocked with Blue rose, Katase came from the young man's side and did a sword thrust to his abdomen. Seeing this Nero activated his devil bringer and grabbed the girl's blade with it stopping her.

“Hey now, one at a time I'll take you all on a date just chill.” Nero said as he chuckled to himself.  Getting mad Murayama poured her magic into her sword as it's blade changed into a icy blue colour, Nero then saw Blue rose getting covered in ice making the boy slightly confused.

Murayama smirked as she raised her sword and brought it down on the gun again this time breaking it in the process. Nero got ticked off at this and  pulled Katase by her sword closer before stapping back and tripping her making the girl fall on her friend.

Nero sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration, “Got damnit! Now I got to ask Hajime for a new one.” he said before noticing the the girl's were now back on their feet with Katase's sword now a sea blue colour. Katase then raised her sword above her head and brought it down as a water slash came zooming at the half devil half dragon.

The young man dodged the attack and looked back at where it hit before looking back at the girl's “Water and ice type gears? That quiet the good match up you got there. I guess I should take this fight a bit more serious” Nero exclaimed as he pulled out Red queen and stabbed it into the ground in front of him revving it a bit.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded before both rushing the white haired boy. Nero pulled his sword out of the ground and blocked an attack from Katase. He saw Murayama coming from behind so he quickly manipulated Katase and her sword and made her stab it into the ground.

Murayama went for an heavy sword attack to Nero's to which the boy revved Red queen as much as he could for the time he had turning it's blade into a orange-ish colour before turning and also doing his own sword slash. When the two blades collided Murayama and Katase were surprised when Red queen cut through Murayama's blade with ease.

Revving Red queen a bit more Nero turned again and also cut Katase's stuck blade in half. “Sorry girls but our date ends here.” Nero said as he quickly cut the two girls head's off concluding his battle. Azazel then announced “The two Grimory pawn pieces have been eliminated.” Nero put Red queen back on his back and got his wings our before flying away.

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