"Your heart reciprocates my love, and from there begins our story"

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I have always believed there's nothing one can't achieve, or become if they have enough courage, if they have done enough hardwork,if they are brave enough to take risk and to accept both complements and criticisms coming their way. I have always been a firm believer of my own fate that reside in my hands alone rather than being dependent on an entity not visible to naked eyes. I have thus always believed to achieve, to become and to gain what I want by mere chance of ample hardwork and courage.

Maybe it was this unimaginable strength ,courage inside me that had always pushed me a little farther than I had ever wanted to venture. Maybe it was this want, this desire to be whatever I wish to be, may be it was this desire of mine to be wherever I wish to be or maybe it was this unforeseen pull of yours that pulled me to you, that had almost unknowingly begged me to come to you. Maybe it was this invisible but inevitable moment of life, that had made me thirst for something I have never thought I will. Maybe just maybe it was my inner desire or my curiousity,or your inevitable magnetism that had pulled me to you on the very first day I saw you.

Or maybe it was all of it. All of the world had come to conspire for two of wandering souls to meet on that fateful day. We met. I met you. You met me. Out of the seven billion people on earth, we met each other. Now you may call it a miracle, destiny, chance or whatever. But we met.

And that changed it all.


I still remember how my heart had literally skipped a beat. Until then, I swear I have only heard of it, acted of it on dramas, but never in my life had it really happened to me. Not even when I had been tired, unusually upset, wistfully thinking of my parents and friends.  No not even then had my heart forgotten to beat. Even then it had remembered to beat with chest painfully tightening to remind me I was alone, lonely soul visiting lonesome people on the life's battle path. But my heart then hadn't skipped a beat, then furiously risen to strength and had pumped a miles long, making me wonder what kind of serious ailment had I been affected with. It had left me breathless, and yet my body had felt as if life within my veins had grown anew. My face had warmed up, fingers unusually itchy as if wanting to drum the beats,my feet no longer wanting to stay put, as if ready to dance through miles. My body, I had known was singing with joy, ready to dance to whatever music the soul played. And if I had been then a bit unsure, my brothers had made sure, I was right in my thought by declaring just how red my face had looked to them.

And I swore if they had then known the reason to my unusual behaviour wasn't the dance, the duty, but something as ethereal as you, they would have then and there declared me from a child grown to an adult.

Truly,it was all because of you.

You, whose beauty and heart were as ethereal and surreal as the stars in the night sky. You , who was standing there smiling ,laughing chatting with your friends. You, who hadn't then seen me. You, who had by then enchanted me with your beauty ,with your words, and with your kindest smile. You, who was brave in his softest smiles and kind in his fierce need. You, who had incomparably become my centre of attention from that moment on. You, on whom that 18 year old self of mine had inadvertently had a crush on. You, who had always been the only charming glow in my life except for my brothers and family. You, who had risen to fame and respect in my heart from the very first chance. You,whose unreal magnetism I failed to avoid. You, for whom I was scarily ready to throw all caution to air. You, who had from them become my one chanted notion.

Even till date,I swear Xiao Zhan Ge, I really dont know what had taken over me. As I said, some call it miracles, some call it destiny, to others it's love at first sight, to some it's soulmates finding each other. I really don't know what it was. Or what it is till now. But even in this haze and mess of a life, I have bravely come to define you and I as the only solid thing that shall remain even when this body perish.

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