ii. let it begin

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"My name is Mr. Mubaek. I am your homeroom teacher as well as your PE instructor for the whole year. Nice to meet you all."

The whole class clapped their hands out of excitement as he bowed down in front of everyone. He was a famous teacher, after all. Besides his reputation of having the most unique ways of teaching and his virtuous personality, Mr. Mubaek, although he's already in his 30s, is also quite a good-looking man.

"Now, now," the man waved his hand shyly to the class that made everyone quiet down. "Next up, we should chose our class representative for this year. As per usual, we only need one for every class. Now, who's cut out for the job?"

One student raised a hand and suggested Tanya's name but Mr. Mubaek disregarded them right away. "She's already the student council president. There's no need to put more pressure on her,"

Yangcha's mouth parted slightly again with the information he just heard. Tanya, the student council president. Just... how come? He didn't even recognize her voice when he literally just listened to her during the assembly right before meeting her by the stairs. Well, he wasn't paying attention to anything at all anyway but still...

Some people nodded in agreement, others just wasn't entirely interested about it. Some others mentioned several names including some two people that sounded familiar to Yangcha, to which the teacher also declined to since both are also part of the council. After a few rounds of nominations, reasonings and disregardings, Tanya's hand shot up and it suddenly gave Yangcha a gut feeling that what she'll say won't be good.

"Yes, Tanya?" Mr. Mubaek regarded her.

"Sir, I have a suggestion," she started. Mr. Mubaek gave her an encouraging nod to go on and so she did.

"This student right here..." she said, gesturing her hand respectfully towards Yangcha, "...is a new classmate, and I believe he is fit for the job."

Yangcha could not help but to scoff at her. He thought she was being petty for actually going for him when she had the chance. Of all the things that she had to do to get back on him, it has to be something really unexpected as this.

Mr. Mubaek's eyes landed on Yangcha and immediately flashed an approving smile. Somehow, his reputation around the faculty was quiet good. He's a promising student-athlete after all.

"Ahh, Yangcha, of course!" he exhaled. "But do you really think so, Tanya?"

Yangcha gulped down the nervous lump on his throat before speaking. "Sir, she's mistaken. I do not think I am fit for the job at all," he interrupted boldly.

"Oh, but I disagree mister.... Yangcha, is it?" she countered, slightly tilting her head towards him, the corners of her mouth curving up impishly. Tanya shot up from her seat, making him noticed how small she looked. She clasped her hands together and stood straight before speaking in a tone that could've suggested that she actually whole-heartedly meant whatever it is that comes out of her mouth, if only Yangcha knew less.

"See, earlier today I saw him trying to prevent a certain student from breaking a school rule," she said, emphasizing her pertaining of herself. "I could've done it myself but he was so into it, if I wasn't such a composed person I would've given him a round of applause to let him know someone as dignified like myself genuinely recognize and appreciate his dedication as a student of this school."

Yangcha couldn't help it he rolled his eyes upwards, a loud 'hah' escaped his mouth almost everyone in the room turned their heads to him. He couldn't care less of the attention, the only thing he thought of was: 'This pipsquick definitely holds grudges.'

He watched Tanya sharply as her small figure dropped down to her seat slowly, thinking she must be smiling mischievously to herself right now.

"But sir..." he protested in almost like a whisper and then cleared out his throat, braving himself to speak up a little louder. "She's exaggerating. Anyone who was there would've done the same."

The Encounter Of A Lifetime (TanCha/Arthdal Chronicles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now