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Pushing through the soil, 

eager at the roots

with the help of sun and water 

the flower shoots

from tree to tree , the bird flies

a little stick to its mouth

working hard to provide comfort 

for the new life that's to come about

hip hop the rabbit burrow down

creating a save haven for underground 

hidden by all the tall grass

the babies can now be 

safely born at last 

the trees look greener , the 

grass does too 

the lakes and streams

far more blue 

the birds are singing louder, 

they know what's to come

many of nature is about

to become a mum  

the foxes build their dens 

beneath the logs and trees

they are ready to be mothers,

they can now be at ease 

the sun shines bright for all

for every creature big and small

the doe seeks the quiet 

to have her little fawn

now all can rest with the young

by the time it hits dawn

a new day begins, a new life is born

motherhood starts and new flowers grow

this is the beauty of spring as we know

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