Todd did feel a little bad for the way he had pushed through everyone on the way out of school but at least it was all worth it.
He was home at exactly 4:10. If everything went to plan he would be finished studying by 10:59 and text Jaylene at exactly 11:02.
He had seen Jaylene in school before yesterday but nothing really struck him about her. But yesterday she wore a Led Zeppelin T-shirt.A grey muscle tank he'd never imagined a girl like her could or would wear.There was something about that shirt that made him want to know more .She wasn't in any of his classes but that was only because she was in the year above him.
Since then Todd had watched her coyly. Today she had asked him for a signature on some school petition. He didn't know what he was signing but he signed it anyway.
Todd was somewhere between awkward and neutral around girls but his college advisor had told him to be a little more outgoing with his essays and the best way to that was to be more outgoing in general. It took him hours to formulate a viable plan. He settled on a friendly text. He was already friends with her on Twidler.
Its cool he's getting better anyway" she replied.
She's still typing.
"What's up?"
"Finals are killer.My brain has turned into mush.What about you?"
He knew he was awkward but there was no going back now.
"My brain was always mush lol"
"Same" Todd wrote.
"I blame school"
"I blame TV"
"I bet you love TV"
"Depends what's on."
"Okay, the Led Zeppelin story"
"L" "E" "D"
"Yes I know I mean what about it? Why would I ever miss the documentary"
"If it was on."
"Would you like TV then?" She added.
"I love TV"
"I thought it depended what was on?"
"I was lying hah"
"Very funny, you should check your brain mush isn't pouring out your ears"
"No worries"
"So do you like their new stuff?"
"N-". "E-" Todd tries to imitate her.
"Again with the comedy,very funny,I'm dying of laughter*insert sarcasm here*" she says
"Do you want an honest answer?"
"Seriously? Me neither! Its all wrong, the beat, the voice,the lyrics"
"I know!Give up while your ahead.Its a mess,"
Todd felt like he knew her already even though they have never said more than 12 words to each other in one twenty four hour period.
They talked like that for a little bit longer.They actually took a lot of the same classes and had a lot of the same teachers. It was a pity that she wasn't in his year.
Todd woke up in a great mood the next day.He walked to the bus stop with a spring in his step.When he got onto the bus he saw a not so familiar face. She almost smiled at him or was it just his imagination. Then he realized who it was. It was the girl with the huge schoolbag.The one who had a twelve year conversation with the bus driver.
He sat beside her,but only because she was sitting in his space.
"Here" she said.
Todd turned to see her holding out her hand awkwardly holding ninety cents.
"Its fine" Todd laughed.
"No seriously,take it.I hate being in debt"
"I'm going to survive less ninety cent"
"Okay" she said quietly.She looked a little deflated that Todd hadn't accepted it.She tried to hide her disappointment by taking out a book.
Todd couldn't see what she was reading but it didn't bother him too much.He was going to say bye at the end of the bus ride but Mira looked to busy with her book and he was busy with his thoughts.
In Chemistry, Mr.Hornet had snorted through his left nose seven times before the role call.Todd couldn't help but think back to Jaylene's text message and laugh to himself.
By Calculus,last period, everyone was ready to collapse. The teacher with test results in hand did not improve or lighten the atmosphere.
"4f's and only 1A?What am I doing wrong?I ask youy over and over again if yous want me to go over stuff with youy and you all say no.I've had it up to here.These results better improve a few of youy won't even make enough creedits to graduate" the teachers thick accent decorated her words.
Todd couldn't imagine not graduating. With a 3.9 GPO he didn't have to. The teacher handed each test back with a different expression.That usually indicating how well you did in a test.
She smiled as she handed Todd his paper.He'd gotten the A.
Just then the door opened and in walked Mira. She sat in the chair to the left of Todd as it was the only seat free. Were they sitting together everywhere now? Todd thought to himself.
"Any explanation Ms Zylbermann?"the teacher asked nonchalantly. Mira didn't bother answering. The teacher didn't bother to ask again.
She handed Mira her test and bent down beside her desk and whispered loud enough for Todd to hear
"One more fail and you don't graduate.Believe it or not Mira I'd hate to see that happen"
She was silent more most if the class.She looked shocked and deep in thought on the way out of the class. Todd knew she probably didn't want to talk to him but he couldn't help but try to console her.
"Hey" he said as he tried to catch up with her.
She slowed down.
"I couldn't help but hear the teacher practically broadcasting your grade.Are you okay?"
"So my college advisor guy said I should try tutoring and I'd be happy to help you out, if you want me to if course"
Todd really was bad with words.
"Don't tell me you were the one A"
"You were there when she said that?"
"No but there's always one A"
Todd tries to laugh it off "What do you say?"
Mira just laughed and said "Sure if you'll accept the ninety cent back, why not?

Built on Lies
Short StoryMira is awkward and reserved and to nearly everyone around her invisible.She has dreamed of going to college to get away from her family for her whole life but with her grades recently she's not making enough credits to pass and graduate.Her sister...