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Headcanon of the chapter:
- Tomomi draws manga style
art of everyone in the class and
even of events that she's been through

- Tomomi's powers look a lot like
Elsa's from Frozen. So she can do the
ice blue auras Elsa does, freezing snow
fall completely and everything.

( basically she's their world's Elsa )

don't forget to comment and vote!

Tomomi laid in the infirmary, resting her energy away. Recovery Girl was able to fully recover her wound in her abdomen and help the healing of her neck speed up but since there were frost bites all over her body and that was a quirk related injury, she could only cover her in a heating blanket and wait until she woke up. She was going to be just fine but since she lost a good amount of blood, she needed to rest.

"Well, Miss Todoroki will be just fine." Recovery girl said, carefully placing a heated towel on her forehead. The frost bites looked intricate. Like spirals and pretty designs were attached to her face and arms. Even her legs. "She just needs rest. It must have been so scary for her and those students."

All Might stood in her room, separate from Midoriya's, and watched the resting girl intently. From what Thirteen had told him and the other heroes about the damage of the Tsunami Unit, this girl was tougher than she hides.

He had gotten to know who Tomomi was before their first hero training session. He knew who Enji Todoroki was and to see his kids in U.A was a bit of a shock, considering he rarely ever mentions his family ever. But from what he saw between Shoto and Tomomi, he could obviously see their own skill sets and where they excelled.

While Shoto was more tactical and better at hand to hand combat, Tomomi excelled at technique and was the better ice user. While Shoto was better at strategy before hand, Tomomi was better at executing battle plans than he was. But the twins balanced each other out perfectly.

When Shoto couldn't use his ice quirk as much, Tomomi picked up the slack perfectly. He could see the bond those two have and the way they worked together.

What worried him was the fact that she could have died that day. And she was close enough. Too close for any of the school's comfort but All Might was proud and impressed by her strength. It's what got her to escape from death and he was proud of the entire class for being strong. He could tell they were all going to be just fine. They were going to be strong heroes after high school.

"Her brother stayed with her most of the morning." Recovery Girl spoke up, breaking the silence. "He must love his sister something awful."

"He was worried." All Might pointed out. "Rightfully so, the last thing he saw was his sister being dragged into a portal....That's enough to make anyone scared for their family."

Recovery Girl hummed. She couldn't argue with that. She was happy that Miss Todoroki was okay but she was worried for Shoto's well being. It seemed like they were truly like Yin and Yang. One couldn't exist without the other.

Suddenly, a groan escaped from Tomomi's mouth, gaining everyone's attention. The two looked to see her frowning as she twisted her body slightly. The frost bites were disappearing from her skin into water as it seeped into her skin.

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