The backstory part2

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Hey y'all so I know I said I would update two weeks ago but I had kinda forgotten I had finals one week and the other week I had family come over for Christmas and I also wasn't really feeling any motivation to do much even though I'm normally like super motivated. I had also forgotten that my family was having our family Christmas party so things had been hectic.

And I know it's been a while since Ive updated but you have to remember I also have other things I need to do in real life as well and another thing is that I still have some work I need to do on Izumi's costume but otherwise I hope all of you have had a very magical Christmas and are having a wonderful time where ever you are in this world.

Also for Izumi's hero costume I've decided to do a mix of three of them along with aizawas scarf and the mask I showed in the last a/n and seeing as nobody really voted besides two people I've decided to go with their suggestions on what I should do.

So I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you guys want but you should have spoken up of you wanted something different. Anyways enough about that let's jump on in to the next part of Izumi's backstory I hope y'all enjoy.


No ones POV

It has been exactly two hours since both eraser head and present mic had helped Izumi Midoriya from being murdered. They would have never known about her if nezu hadn't told every pro hero that works at U.A that they all now have the same patrols as winter wisp. Which normally starts at 7:00 pm and ends at 11:00 pm.

Anyways this also means that it has been 2 hours since Izumi went unconscious due to blood loss, not knowing what to do they just brought her home and layed her on the couch. Once that was done aizawa told his adoptive son shinsou to go into his room for the time being. Meanwhile mic had just called recovery girl to come over and check the girls arm to make sure it was okay and see if she could heal it
Which then brings us to now.

Aizawa's POV

Letting out a sigh I start to think about what has happened during the past two hours. What was a young girl doing all alone during the winter time with only summer like clothes on. Suddenly I heard the door bell ring, thinking it must be Chiyo I get up and go to open it.

" this better be good eraser you know this is the only time I don't have to deal with your snot nosed brats. I swear your classes are always he ones who are getting hurt and coming to me for help every 30 minutes." Said chiyo while letting herself in.

Letting out another sigh I quickly close the door and walk back over to the living room and sit down on the couch next to the unconscious problem child and look at her. At first both me and hizashi were surprised when we saw all the scars that littered her arms and legs we can only imagine that there are more on her back and stomach as well.

Both me and my husband have a pretty good idea from where they all came from but don't want to jump to conclusions just yet. For the most part all we can do is wait for the girl to wake up. We already called the police to tell them about the incident and the men. We also talked to the chief of police to see if he could come down but he said he was busy.

Quickly snapping out of my thoughts I again focus my attention to chiyo and the girl and watch as she looks over the girl for any injuries. Seeing as chiyo was almost finished with her examination I call over mic so we would both know the results of the young girl.

"Well luckily she doesn't have any major injuries besides that one cut which I healed also keep in mind that when she wakes up she's going to feel very lightheaded as well as dizzy so she won't be able to stand up or hold very many things like her backpack and books but that's basically it.

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