Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out

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New chapter finally!! Sorry for the delayed update, I forgot this book existed.


Elliot was not happy about the affair that took place. He stood near the wall, his head slightly cocked to the side. His eyes were sunken; his lips were downturned.

Chuck looked in the direction I was looking. 

He and Elliot stared each other down for almost half a minute. 

Then Chuck gave a self-congratulatory smirk, drawing me closer to his chest.

Elliot flinched, taking a step back. He resentfully tugged at the straps of his backpack. 

He gave a soft, wistful sigh. Then, straightening his hunch, he took a prompt 360. 

I watched as he strode away from us. His pace was faster and his steps lighter than usual.

He was hurt. But I didn't understand why.

"Wait, Elliot!" I cried out. He did not stop or slow down. 

Chuck's grip on my shoulder tightened. "Forget about him," he said.

"No, Chuck," I batted his hands off me and looked up into his hazel orbs. "I need to know what is going on between you and Elliot."

"Nothing," his jaw tensed. "I don't care for him."

"Chuck..." I sighed and shook my head. "I thought...I thought we were friends."

Chuck went silent, but his eyebrow twitched reflexively. He gave a dismissive chuckle.

"Chuck ECheese Carter does not have 'friends', darling," he huffed. 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a wolf. A wolf without a pack."

Standing taller, Chuck closed his eyes and pushed his chest outward. He tilted his face up towards the large white clock that graced the wall.



In that moment, there was an awakening in me; God knows why. Maybe it was the vicious glimmer in his eyes, the way his irises darkened more and more as he settled into his nocturnal character.  Maybe it was the charm and allure of his sovereign posture. Maybe it was his the throbbing of his neck as he clasped for breath after every howl. But right then in that moment, I was attracted to Chuck more than I have ever been before.

Chuck looked at me.

"I'm the alpha, the omega, everything in between."

I nodded silently and stood there entranced. An ardent fever was taking over every inch of my body.

Chuck pushed his forehead onto mine with a mild aggression. He closed his eyes, panting deeply.

"He never returned it," Chuck said.

"What?" I asked.

"I loved watching Teletubbies as a child. Tinky Winky was my favourite," he continued. "Mom even got me a Tinky Winky stuffed toy. I slept with it every night."

I felt his heavy breathing on my forehead.

"We had a field trip one day. Second grade. I was excited, but terrified of being away from home. So I brought Tinky Winky with me. And when I wasn't watching..."

He sighed.

"Elliot stole Tinky Winky from my backpack. I had to sleep alone. I was scared, helpless."

He paused.

"And he never returned it." Chuck stepped back.

"I'm so sorry, Chuck," I said. My eyes were glassy now. "I never knew."

"Since then, Elliot has always been the good guy. The golden child. The athletic prodigy. The babe-magnet."

Chuck put a firm grasp on my shoulders.

"He's always gotten what he's ever wanted."

He squeezed my shoulders assertively, holding my gaze with a determined face.

"And if there's one thing I won't let him take away from me, 

it's you."


Author's note:
Hope you liked this chapter babes!! Are you team Carter or team Elliot?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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