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Aoife's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my little sister Amy screaming in my ear.great. I go downstairs and smell the delicious aroma of bacon. mmm. I shower and get changed then run down stairs and grab a toast with bacon on. After I finish I go upstairs again and put on a light layer of makeup on. I check my instagram then go downstairs and kiss my mam goodbye and sprint out the door. On the way to school I meet Leyla, who is wearing black converses and a henna ombre and has her hair in two french braids. We start talking about random stuff until we get to the school gates. Then we see them.. Alice, Holly and Hannah. Well, well ,well look who we have here. Alice smirks. Me and Aoife..? Leyla quipps. Ha ha ha very funny Leyla. Hannah says sarcastically. Anyway where were we.? Holly says in a menacing way. I guys are so wo---. LEYLA, AOIFE HIIIIII, Leo shouts. I looked over and see leo near the field, Then I look back at
the bullies. We're gonna get you later and you'll regret it, they all say then walk off.

Leo's POV:
I just saw Leyla and Aoifie talking to some girls, their friends?!?!? When, without thinking I shout hi to them. After I shouted that the girls said something then walked off. Leyla and Aofie kept walking towards me, Leyla and I do our spechial handshake. This is the perfect time to tell Aofie and Leyla mine and charlies secret but then the bell rings for first period, it will have to wait till tater.


Hi guys, hope you guys liked this part of the imagine, Comment for the next Part.

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