Chapter 1

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The sun shines brightly meeting Eunji's beautiful face. She woke up due to her alarm ringing loudly. Its a brand new day for her. She promised herself not to fall in love with anybody because she doesn't want to repeat the past.

She tie up her hair into a bun and walks to the bathroom. She cleans her face and started washing up. While soaking in the bathtub, she look at those scars she made on her wrist. Yes, she cut herself. She was so depressed. First, her mom passed away a week after she broke up with her past. Second, her dad is always outstation. Third, she was so so lonely. She take a deep breath and close her eyes for awhile.

-10 minutes later-
She walked out of the bathroom and went to the closet. She took out her uniform and quickly wear it as she's gonna be late if she still take her own sweet time.

She always wears a cardigan to cover up her scars as she doesn't want everybody to call her a attention seeker.

She decided to take a taxi since its her very first day. ohh! i forgot, she stays with her aunt and her aunt is the one whom organize all this school 'thingy' for her. So, yeahh.

As she arrives infront of the main gate, her mouth was widely open and her jaw almost dropped to the floor. She was amazed by how big is the Seoul Academy is. She walked in to the office room and was greeted my the teachers there. She looks around and see her surroundings did not even took a glance at her. Usually, all of the students be like "who's she" " where did she come from" and whatsoever but it was the opposite. They mind their own business. It was damn silent when suddenly ...........

what do you think happend? hehs. :)

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