Chapter 3

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He leans forward that i can even feels his hot breath brushing against my face. I look to the side to see if i can escape. When suddenly he slammed his hand towards both side of my head as if he was reading my mind.

I gulped. I was so freaking nervous.
"W-what a-a-re y-you doing?" i was stammering.
"Hah" was all he said as he smirked to me.
I tried pushing him for the first time but still no movements. when i suddenly kicked him where the suns never shines. Then he let go of me and this is my chance to escape. I run quickly to i don't even know where until i bumped into someone?

"Ouch! Aish, bwoyah?" i mumbled.
" Gosh, i'm sor-" i cut him by standing up and continue running. I didn't even get to look at his face. I hate boys. All of them are the same.

I finally found my classroom. I knocked and went into the classroom.

"Ohh, are you the new student?"she said.
"Oh, y-yah."
"Are you ok? You seems breathless. I give you 5 minutes to prepare yourself. Go to the bathroom and calm yourself down in there and quickly come back here since its your first day." She smiled.

"Ne, seonsaengnim." I bowed.

"Aish! Pabo! Pabo! Pab-" i was hitting my head when suddenly someone grab my wrist.

To be continued ......

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