The Birth

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Harry was never more grateful for having Hermione as a best friend and Draco as a husband than he was right then. He could imagine the chaos the scene would be if he hadn't had two highly responsible people in his life.

As it was, when Draco went into labor, Harry didn't immediately panic. Instead, he went straight to the list that had been stuck to the fridge for over a month. He checked every item off the list and Floo'd with Draco to the maternity ward at St. Mungo's.

The perks of being Harry Potter saw them being seen to immediately. There was no wait time as Draco was ushered into a private room while Harry was given forms to finish filling out. By the time he finished, Lucius and Narcissa had arrived.

"How is he?" Narcissa asked the moment she spotted Harry.

"Er, he was fine when we got here. I've been finishing the paperwork and haven't seen him for a few minutes," Harry admitted.

"You left my son to fend for himself?" Lucius sneered.

Harry rolled his eyes and ignored the man. Instead of replying, he led them to the room Draco was in.

"Harry, Mum, Dad," Draco said when they opened the door.

"Hello, love," Harry said.

He crossed the room to stand at Draco's side. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Draco's forehead.

"How are you? Everything going as expected?" Narcissa asked.

"So far, so good. The pain is bearable," Draco replied.

Harry frowned and took one of Draco's hands. He linked their fingers and sat in a chair by the bed. He hated that childbirth was painful. Maybe he should carry the next one if they want more kids? He decided to bring that up with Draco later. There was nothing he could do now except be there for his husband.

They knew it would be a cesarean because men didn't have a birth canal. They were waiting for the healer to arrive to perform the surgery. Harry and Draco both gasped in pain at the exact same moment. Draco from the contraction and Harry from Draco squeezing his hand with the tight grip the blond had.

"Breathe, Draco. In and out, just like that," Narcissa coached her son.

Draco's grip on Harry's hand slowly loosened as he breathed along with his mother. Harry was grateful for it. Draco had fallen limp, the worst of the contraction passing, when the healer knocked on the frame of the open door. He stood in the doorway in his lime green healer's robes and entered when Draco beckoned him forward.

"Misters Potter-Malfoy! The day is finally upon us, eh?" the man said cheerfully.

"Yes, Healer Brown. And we've followed all your instructions," Harry replied.

"Excellent!" Healer Brown clapped his hands together. "Now is the time for all non-staff to leave the room."

Harry squeezed Draco's hand and leaned down to kiss him tenderly. He kissed his eyelids, nose and forehead then leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"I'm so proud of you, my love. You're going to be amazing and I'll be right outside the door. I love you so much, Draco. I'll see you soon."

"I love you, too," Draco replied.

Harry placed one more soft kiss to his love's forehead before standing and leaving the room.

As anxious as he was, Harry couldn't sit down. Instead he paced along the hallway. Back and forth repeatedly in front of Draco's door.

"Ah fuck!" Draco shouted and Harry's eyes widened in alarm.

"Come sit, dear. Have some tea," Narcissa cajoled.

"I can't," Harry said, continuing his pacing.

"Oh sit down you insufferable twit!" Lucius demanded and dragged Harry into a chair.

Lucius placed a mug of hot tea into Harry's hands while Harry glared at the man. He grudgingly - and with no small amount of suspicion - took a sip of his tea. And promptly spat it out. He leveled another glare at Lucius and vanished the tea.

"Fucks sake, today Lucius?" Harry spat.

He had half expected it, of course. Lucius was still slipping some poison or other into Harry's food and drinks at every opportunity.

"You're the cause of the pain my son is currently in. It seemed appropriate," Lucius said with an elegant shrug.

Harry glared and accepted the fresh tea Narcissa had made. As if he wanted the extra stress of poisoned tea while his husband was giving birth! At that moment, the door to Draco's room opened. The healer emerged with a bright smile and Harry felt some of his tension leak away.

"Would you like to meet your daughter?" Healer Brown asked.

"Daughter? Yes, I want to see them both!" Harry exclaimed.

He followed the healer into the room and was vaguely aware of Lucius and Narcissa following him. He stopped in the doorway, unable to take his eyes off the sight of his husband sitting up in the bed, cradling their tiny daughter to his chest.

Draco looked exhausted; probably from the pain and how little sleep he'd gotten over the last couple of weeks. But their daughter looked perfect.

Harry moved closer to get a better look. She had a full head of hair in signature Potter black. It wasn't quite the disarray of Harry's own, for which he was grateful. Her nose was sloped exactly like Draco's, but her eyes were shaped like Harry's.

Overall, she looked like the perfect combination between Harry and Draco. Perfect.

Draco looked up at Harry with a smile. He held the baby out as Harry reached forward. Harry's face ached from how wide his smile was but he didn't care. He ignored the telltale flashes and just focused on his daughter.

"Perfect," Harry whispered, voice barely audible.

"She is," Draco agreed.

"Our little Lillianna," Harry said and glanced up at Draco. They had discussed names and knew what they would choose when the time came.

"Yes. Lillianna Narcissus," Draco said.

They both smiled and looked up when they heard Narcissa gasp. She had her camera in her hand as Harry knew she would. She also had her free hand covering her mouth and her eyes shone with wonder.

Harry beckoned Lucius and Narcissa closer and Narcissa cooed at the sleeping child.

"Lillianna Narcissus Potter-Malfoy," Narcissa breathed.

"Welcome to the family, little one," Lucius said.

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