Y/N's Background And Info

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Y/N = Your Name 

Y/H= Your Height 

F/C= Favorite Color 

H/T= Hometown 

F/N= Father's Name 

M/N= Mother's Name 

S/N= Sister's Name 

B/N= Brother's Name 

Y/n grew up in H/T with her Older sister S/N, Her younger brother B/N, Her mother, M/N, and her Father, F/N. her father Had always labeled her the failure because she wasn't like his other kids, who did exactly what he wanted them to, while Y/N liked to make videos, play video games, and program small games. Her father was abusive to her both physical and mentally while he never even raised his voice at the others. she dealt with this from about 7 when she showed intrest  in her future career as a gamer on youtube, to 18 when she went in to the army to get away from it and help to pay for film and editing school. she never when home for holidays and isolated herself from her whole family. when she got out of the army 6 years later when she turned 24, she had saved up money to go to school while living in a cheap apartment in H/T, she started her youtube channel and went to school. she edited her own videos and still got her assignments done. when she finished the two years of school she had gained almost 6 million subs and had saved up the money to moves to a better place, L.A.. Packed up her stuff and left. 

A/N: i may go back later and edit this but  have ideas in my head so I'm trying to them down while  can so this may not be the best. Remember leave suggestions in the comments and feel free to ask me questions about myself or my characters. 

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