Chapter 4:the past

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Mark's POV (haha new POV)

As i was going to kiss Y/N again her phone goes off. she rolls her eyes and i sigh. the one time i get the balls to make a move and i get interrupted. she looks down at her phone, she looks almost scared. She answers the phone with a shaky voice. 


I glance over at mark. he has a concerned look in his eyes. I answer the phone. 

y=you d=dad

y: Hello?

d: hey, Y/N, i was calling to check up on you. 

Y: you haven't "checked up on me" since before i left for the military. why would you check up on me now?

D: Because Y/N i love you. 

Y: wish you would have showed it.

D: Y/N please. I've changed. and your mom and siblings want to see you. we all miss you. 

i think this over for a second. if he tries  anything mark is next door. and i would be nice to see mama, S/N, and B/N. 

Y: okay, but if you try anything i will not hesitate to defend my self I'm not that same scared little girl you beat when i didn't do what you want. 

D:i understand. thank you for giving me a chance. 

Y: I'm not. i want to see the family you took from me. I'm doing this for mama and S/n and B/n not you. i'll send you my address. when do you want to come out?

D: about a month out? where do you live now. 

Y: L.A. i've got to go ill book you tickets out and tell what day your flight is. 

D: okay bye. Love you sweetie. 

i hang up. 

"how dare that man say he loves me when he put so many scars on my body making me so flawed. so weak." i start to cry. mark runs up to me and holds me to his chest. 

"hey, Hey, everything is going to be alright. what is going on?" mark asks with concern 

i take a moment to calm myself before i answer 

"my dad is wanting to reconnect with me. he abused me when i was younger because i didn't want to go out and be a doctor or a lawyer like my siblings. i wanted to program and stuff with videos. stuff that 'wasn't a real job' as he put it. when i wouldn't do what he asked he would take one of those whips that you see in the Indiana Jones movies and lash me. the only way i could escape from it was going into the military so i did. i hadn't spoken to him since i was shipped off till now." i say with tears still running down my face. 

"if he treated you so bad why give him another chance?" mark asked with visual confusion 

"I need to make sure that my family is alright. I can't ever forgive him but i can make sure my family is safe."

i wipe my eyes and step back out of the comfort of Marks arms. I look up into those warm chocolate eyes. I've only known this man for 2 days and already he has captured my heart, has seen me break down and still hasn't ran. maybe i can trust him. 

I give Mark a tight bear hug which he returns 

"you know you are the first person i have felt safe with since i was 6 when all of this started?" i say with sadness 

"i wish i had been there for you sooner." Mark responds than kisses me on my head 

"me too." we stand there in silence for a minute before mark pulls away and grabs my hand pulling me to the kitchen. 

"Marrrrrk! what are you dooooing?" i whine 

"Weee are going to coooook" he says copying me. while grabbing a big pot out of the cabinet and setting it on the stove. 

"cool what are we making" is ask surprised

"Korean dumplings." he says with a cheeky grin before grabbing flour and getting out the other ingredients.  

After making the dumplings both of us were covered in flour from the food fight we ended up having. We looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter. 

"you want to go take a shower before we eat?' mark asks 

"sure." i respond 

mark lends me a sweat shirt  and shorts that swallowed me since he is quite a bit bigger than me. luckily the shorts had draw strings so i could keep them up. after my shower i walked out in my borrowed cloths to see a now clean and shirtless mark. he must have used another shower some where in the house. as i walk in he turns around and looks at me before bursting out laughing. (just imagine something like this)

"hey i can't help I'm so smol" i say while laughing

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"hey i can't help I'm so smol" i say while laughing. he laughs to as he grabs a shirt and puts it on 

we sit down to eat and after we cuddle and watch a movie. we fall asleep on the couch and sleep through the night. 

A/N hey guys make sure to let me know if you have any suggestions for any other stories, and this one. also as always feel free to ask me questions. 

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