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Imagine waking up one day, feeling like the world is in your hands. Then the next, your drowning. I have those days, days where I'm so stuck in my head I can hardly stand myself. Truth be told thats not all the time though.

Some days I wake up and the sun shines so bright my insides feel like their glowing. Some days the world is so colorful it makes me happy to be alive. Sadly, that can all change.

I mostly feel that way when doing things that make me feel alive, things like reading. Some people read for entertainment, but for some people, people like me, we read to escape the hard reality that is our life. Some of us read to bring to life a different reality. A reality that we wish to be in ourself. A reality that helps us escape the tragedy we suffer through in that specific time.

But none the less life is a beautiful thing, a beautifully tragic thing.

So imagine my surprise when I met and handsom man in my dreams only to find out he's real. Maybe life isnt so bad after all.

Sweven; Fred Weasley. Where stories live. Discover now