01| Red Alarms

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Chapter 1

TW: mention of bomb and abuse.
A/N: This isn't much but I wrote what I could!

Nalani (8th grade)

Tap Tap Tap

I couldn't help but tap my foot as the elevator moved slowly up to each level. Earlier today, I was called from school to go to the hospital because my mother was admitted into the hospital. When the counselors called my dad, he didn't answer. That caused me to grow angry. My stomach was already in my ass, I didn't need any more emotions to deal with at the moment. I just wanted to get to my mom.

After calling my dad three times with no answer. One of the counselors, Mrs. Laurent, decided to give me a ride to the hospital herself. The whole ride, I was silent, my mind racing about what could have possibly have happened to my mother.

Now as I stand in the elevator, everything that comes to my head is making the stomach that's in my ass feel worse. If I don't get off this elevator in the next minute, I'm going to shit myself.

My mother is the healthiest person I know and she's not a clumsy person. She's actually very aware of what's going on with her. Ever since I was ten, all the times I would creep up behind her and scare her ended. She went from laughing to breathing really hard.

I stopped not long after the first few times she flinched.

As soon as the elevator doors open it takes no time to run to the front desk.

There's an older woman there with long brown hair and green eyes with rosy cheeks. When she spots me, a small smile comes onto her face and for the first time today, I feel a slight comfort feeling. Finally speaking, her voice soothes the anxiety away.

"Hello love, how can I help you?"

"My mother. I was told at school that she is in the hospital. Her name is Isabella Li." I rush out the words as she types on her keyboard.

"Yes, Nalani, right?" she asks. I nod. "Pretty, your mother is in room 237 on the north wing." I start looking for the wing names when the next thing she says has me look at her again.

"Your father should be in there." Everything slows down at that moment. I put a hand to my chest as I start to have trouble breathing. I look faster for the east wing.

The brown hair woman comes around the desk and puts a hand on my back and asks me if I'm okay, multiple times. But my ears are blocked from everything except my heart beat.

Thump Thump, Thump Thump.


It's a whisper but I'm sure the lady heard me because when I start to run to the east wing, she follows. Though, she's having a hard time keeping up. She keeps yelling wait but I don't have time to stop.

It's when I pass a group of kids that everything starts to go down. It was like a black cat crossing in your path. Bad Luck.

"No running in the hallways!" a blonde kid yells.

"Shut up Luke."

"What? I'm helping her out, jay jay!"

That's when an alarm goes off and grabs everyone's attention, red lights starts flashing like a bomb and a robotic voice calls from the speakers for doctors to get to room 237 immediately. I pick up my past.

I should've known. I should've gotten here faster. WHY CAN"T I RUN FASTER!!

Memories of my mother and father arguing go through my mind.

Name Calling, breaking glass, and bruises plus cuts.

Screaming, fake apologies, death threats.

I run faster.

I'm almost there.

I'm coming mom.

Please be there.

Please be awake.

Don't leave me here.

I'm almost there, just wait a little.

I'm running fast but everything around me is moving in slow motion. I feel like I'm running but not fast enough.

What would I do without my mom? I couldn't stay with my dad. I would live much longer if I did. I'd do it myself if I have too. Who would care for me? Who would care?!

Only my mom cares. I live and breathe for her. I couldn't live without her.

I tell myself everything will be fine and that she is there in that room.

But when I reach the room...my mother is nowhere to see.

Just my father with his hands on his head and elbows resting on his knees.

He lifts his head to meet my eyes and gives me a soft smile but I'm not fooled. That smile is anything but soft, he did something to my mom.

When the doctors enter the room, his smile fades to fake worry. They all begin chatting.

I'm still standing in the middle of the doorway staring at the empty bed that mirrors the red light every other second. The lady who was at the desk comes up behind me and starts holding my hand, staring at the bed and it all feels familiar.

We both look at each other and then back at the bed...

Then to my father and at the moment, I know she is thinking the same as me.

Where the fuck is my mother?


Welcome back to Games of Vang!

I know, I know.

I'm really late this was supposed to be done in February but I didn't have the motivation, I didn't like anything I wrote either.

Sorry I didn't write that much but I'm still kind of struggling so I only wrote what I could and didn't push myself.

Until Next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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