You better be 18+💞💗

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He grabs a sharp kitchen knife and struts his charming walk towards you, approached, he states,'I'll show you how it's done in the Chef's Kitchen, beloved, now put your hands on the counter for me, will you?' You stutter as your eyes meet, retorting with 's-sure, but why?', 'be patient my beloved Donut and I will show you', he spits back, tone laced with love.

Gordon Ramsey then lifts the knife above both of your heads and with great force pushes the knife down against your wrist, earning a satisfying yet delayed crunch due to your wrist being so layered and thick with flesh and bone. You release a loud screech expressing your intense pain, yet Gordon is quick to repeat the action and forcefully presses the knife against your wrist until your hand is completely dismembered from your body. You sit stunned and in pain from the current events. Gordon picks up your severed hand and rinses it under some tap water. Your arm is left in a state of shock and begins to numb. You turn to your beloved chef and watch him with glossy eyes as he butchers your hand even more and proceeds to season it. He pairs the once a hand of yours now pieced meat with cheese and garlic bread.

'Sit back down, darling! Food is almost ready!', baffled at his statement as you were unaware of that you were standing and blush at your own thoughtless action and abruptly sit back down. As the minutes pass, Gordon comes with a presented delicacy that is your dinner for the night. Gordon bestows his thick ass (which you would very much rather eat than any food he has ever put on a plate for you) onto the seat next to you with a mumble of 'dig in'. You gently pick up a fork with your other present hand and poke at your fried and well cooked hand. 'Don't be shy, my beloved Idiot Sandwich, I put lots of lamb sauce on it just for you~', such words laced with love were enough to make you dig in and have a bite at the food Gordon made for you.
Although hesitant at first, you are quick to engulf the delicious meal Gordon cooked for you; thoughts of gratitude for such an amazing husband running through your mind.

'Delicious, Ramsey! That was absolutely delicious! What a delight to eat~ yum!', your words push on Gordon's ego, 'yes, I know', he smirks back your way. As he closes the gap between you, he presses his wet lips against your ear and whispers 'the palm of a hand is the most delicious part of a human, I just knew that your hand would taste the best of them all, despite me always licking your body head to toe, I felt that a little seasoning would do the trick! I'm glad I got to share the experience with you~' As he backed up after whispering such sweet sentiments, little trickles of saliva travelled from his British lips and landed right into your eye, feeling his spit, you wink a few times wanting to mix his saliva with your eye fluids and become entwined, sharing all too little yet valid amount of bodily fluids. He mistakes your wink as sexual advances and abruptly kisses you, pressing his wet, yet somehow still chapped lips onto yours. You melt into the moment.

His head bops down, in which you expect him to lower his head near your pelvis and advance to giving you head, which you are assured to be surely mistaken as he only advanced to kissing your bloody arm as a thanks for the shared meal. You blush at his sentiment and at the embarrassment of your internal expectation of the outcome of the situation. Surely he wasn't going to eat you out (literally or sexually) in front of a film crew!

'ANNNND CUT', as the director yells, wrapping up the shooting for Gordon Ramsey's trailer for his upcoming horror film portraying cannibalism and such regarding his specialty in food. The production of the film had just finished filming its last scene of the day and as an actor/actress, you feel the feeling of relief wash over you as you become entranced by the tiredness your body aches in. 'Alright! Thank you team for another day in progress for this new film, I've decided, in celebration of completing half the scenes and production of the film, to cook for you all some of my special foods!', Gordon Ramsey bellowed out towards the crowed of staff and workers on set in which you stood in. The make-up artist finished the final touches of reducing you of the extravagant make up you were blemished in for the shooting (of the film, not the Middle East, Muslim lives Matter!).

After all film crew members were freed and unoccupied with any work and were done for the day, Gordon had plated a mass amount of delicious looking food. All thanked Gordon for his generous cooking and quickly indulged into the food. It was delectable of course! You felt honoured to be seated by the Chef himself as we shared this meal of his cooking. After finishing a portion, You were quick to grab my modest seconds and plop another slice of sizzled meat onto my plate. The meat looked fluffy yet crisp, and very pink inside. You're not one to eat raw food but this was quite the exception! You stole many glances at the Master Chef and his glorious, sharp Jaw and the beautiful carves of lines on his forehead showing his history of deep expression. He was quite the dreamy man in your eyes. After your third bite while stuck tranced by the stunning Chef, you came to terms with just how foreign the meat tasted, it was nothing like You've had before! It was ridiculously mouth-watering, leaving your taste buds stunned. You became suddenly aware of a small, white, yet strangely sharp, thin layer of something in my meat though. You had the realisation that it was indeed a finger nail! You slowly look up at Gordon in disbelief as you would never expect such unhygienic food served by him, but was met by intense eyes. You look down at his fingers only to see that he had incredibly short nails, those of someone who'd bite and chew them off. It wasn't his fingernails.... it belonged to the meat.....

Subtly, Gordon slides a hand onto your thigh under the table, ' you donut, you weren't supposed to find out', as his voice faded with his statement, your vision did too. You begin to realise the terrifying truth, Gordon was collecting and preserving his meat storage all along.....

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