.chapter 1.

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Taytum Haywood

It was a Monday.

My least favourite of all days.

I was sprawled across my bed. I had two half read books open on random pages towards the end of my bed. I could never finish a book, I just got ever so bored so easily but nether the less I still enjoyed a good half book.

An empty glass was resting on my nightstand with my glasses laid next to it. Oh boy did I hate my glasses. I would only ever wear them whilst reading in front of my parents. I was always scolded for not wearing them. I recently learnt a spell that allowed me to see without them. It only lasts 24 hours and honestly didn't work very well but it's better then having thick mini fucking windows hovering over my eyes, so I opted for the blurry vision.

It was a knock at my door which brought me out of my daydream and back to my senses.

"Tay, sweetie I have something for you my darling." My mother hummed in her usual chirpy voice.

She opened the door causing it to creak as it bended on its hinges, my fucker of a father didnt bother to fix it last summer. So since then I've had my own personal defence system to know if anyone has entered my room or not.

I greeted her with a soft smile tapping the spot next to me on my queen sized bed.

"What is it mother?" I asked trying to sound as if I wasn't buzzing at the news of her having something for me.

Mother always did present me with the best little gifts, sometimes it was just a little note under my door telling me how much she loved me. I really was the little things the counted. But I would still appreciate it if my fucking door could be fixed.

"You have a letter." She started "But before you open it, I just want you to know that me and your father have already decided that this is something that will be put into action." She said rather sternly which was odd for her she wasn't usually.

She's defo been spending to much time with my father. God that man can't take a joke I tell you let alone try to say one. He is just so- oh wait I'm getting side tracked. The letter.

"Putting what to action?" My voice had a tone of sass to it not intentionally but I was far to curious to have my normal calming tone of voice leave my lips.

She placed the letter in my hands clasping hers over the top. Her touch was delicate but it felt different as if she was worried for how I was going to react.

I mean Merlin it's just a bloody letter calm yourself love how bad can it be?

I tore open the letter and began to inspect the penmanship.

Dear Miss Haywood

We would be most grateful to have you attend Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardary.

If you wish to take this offer write back as soon as possible.

A list with all needed school supplies will be sent to you depending on your decision.

Minerva Mcgonagall

It was at this moment. I realised I was a lonely fuck whos parents hated her and wanted nothing more than to make her miserable by sending her to a school that's probably full of greasy gits who enjoy torturing others or freckled face shits who enjoy doing extra homework for fun.

So as you can imagine I wasn't feeling my greatest.

"So me and your father have already decided your going, I'm sorry if it's not something you want but it's for the best." She said her voice latched with sympathy.

"Yeah.." I started trying to sound as non suicidal as I was feeling right now.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad. It's just that me and your father have work at the ministry and we can't work and teach my dear." She stated breathing heavily as if she thought I was gonna burst with anger and start screaming my lungs out.

Which was pretty fucking likely.

"You do understand don't you, besides me and your father went to Hogwarts and it really wasn't that bad." A small smile played upon her lips.

I was considering what to say back because if I stuck by what they taught me which was honestly is the best policy then my mother wouldn't have her head attached to her neck right now.

So I decided to lie straight to her face.

"I understand mother, please don't worry I'm not mad at all in fact I'm actually quite excited." I falsely claimed

I was fucking livid and dreading it.

But it was just a little white lie.

"Oh good!" She squealed. "You will love it Taytum, you may even be sorted into Ravenclaw like me." She gushed at me with excitement in her eyes.

I stared down at my half read books laid on my bed.

Totally Ravenclaw material am I right?

I just simply smiled at her.

I already knew all about Hogwarts from my mum telling me stories when I was younger.
There are 4 house Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I already knew all the specific traits for all the above. My mother was a Ravenclaw which is the nice way of saying she was a try hard git who did to much school work.

And my father was a Slytherin.

I know funny isn't it a Slytherin marrying or being with someone who isn't in Slytherin.

Don't get me wrong. There's no law against who you can marry.

It was just unlikely to happen and generally wasn't a common thing to find in the wizarding world society.

But either way my father was still a Slytherin or I should say the nice was of saying how he was an attention seeking slimey shit.

I know that Slytherin is green and Ravenclaw is blue.
I don't have any fucking clue what colour the others are.

The other two houses weren't anything special to me. And to be honest what house I was put in didn't mean much in my opinion. As long as I didn't have to wear yellow. God imagine if one of the houses was yellow.

"Well I'm glad that was settled without any form of argument." She released her hands from mine and stood up brushing down her skirt.

"You leave this time next week so I expect your bag to be packed and for you to be ready to leave by then, yes?" Her usual sweet tone was back to her voice as she walked backwards towards my door frame.

"Yes mother I will start now in fact!" I lied through my teeth.

I looked back up to the ceiling listening to the sound of my door creaking over until it was shut.

When I heard it click into place that was when I decided to grab a picture of my parents attach it to my wall and throw sharp objects at it.

Only joking.

Instead I smashed the empty glass next to my bed screaming as I did so.

Still joking.

I'm not a psycho.

Instead I grabbed a paintbrush and walked over to one of my fresh canvas and began to paint...

My parents suffering in hell.


okay that was the first chapter!

I need your opinion on Taytums humour.

I wanted her to be this way so I'm sorry if u don't like it-

Also please remember this is just the first chapter there are huge things yet to come!!

I love you greatly

Liv x

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