do it for the tiktok

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i found a wikihow article ( on how to write fanfiction so i'm writing drarry fanfiction and making a tiktok about it 💁

!!!tw!!! really good fanfiction 

by the way i've never read harry potter but i'm sure the characters will be spot on


 Draco Malfoy was always a bad bitch. He strutted those runways like it was nobody's business. Then he go his letter to hogwarts. At first, he was mad. He had the clearest skin in all of whatever British place the books/movies are set in. Then his father, X Æ A-12, told him that Hogwarts was actually number 6 in British schools for closeted gay eleven year olds. Little did Draco know that his father knew that he was actually gay...


Anyway, Draco went to Hogwarts in the most beautiful gown ever. (see below)

He got it off amazon and it fit his eleven year old body perfectly

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He got it off amazon and it fit his eleven year old body perfectly. 

He looked great. 

When he arrived, he saw a gorgeous boy with beautiful eyes named Harry Potter. He had a crush immediately. They became best friends and roommates for life, never making a move because being gay not good according to X Æ A-12.

thanks for reading! i spent a lot of time on this :)

(Published Sunday, January 24, 2021) 

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