Chapter 1

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The plane ride and the car ride were both equally quiet, but Jaehyun didn't push it, he couldn't. He knew that the news from yesterday evening completely rocked the mafia and its members to his core, himself included. But not like Johnny. Yesterday, Jaehyun didn't know what he was worried more for: Johnny killing Kun or Johnny killing everyone in the mansion. It's an equal bargain, neither they could afford, especially since their base in their homeland was practically destroyed.

Luckily their main headquarters and most of the members is alive and standing. It doesn't make that the fact that innocent workers were slaughtered, one of Johnny's companies collapsed, and two of his closest friends were killed in the most gruesome way. Jaehyun watched helplessly as Johnny barked out orders and then locked himself into his personal office back in Chicago yesterday.

Now they sat next to each other silently, the air thick with tension which made Jaehyun twitch with anxiety. They're finally coming back to Seoul after a decade. They were planning on coming back either way but under different circumstances, better circumstances. They all knew the risks of being a part of one of the most notorious Mafia's, not only in South Korea, but also in the States. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt any less when someone you think of a brother was murdered.

Their black limousine pulled up to the apartment building that the Seo's owned, they silently got out and went in immediately. As soon as they entered the building they were greeted by Lucas, Kun, and Jungwoo. The three flew out yesterday night almost two hours after Johnny and Jaehyun found out that their base was attacked.

Since Lucas and Jungwoo were coming back from jobs, they just flew out automatically without coming back to the estate. Due to the sudden plans, Kun had to leave his son, Chenle, back in Chicago with Hendery and Xiaojun. Because of the new threat, they didn't want to take any risks, so they're flying out to Seoul into separate groups. According to Yuta, as soon as Jaehyun and Johnny landed; Yuta, Hendery, Chenle, and the others were boarding their second private jet. Meaning that they should be in Incheon in a few hours and then in Seoul later on in early morning.

They got into the elevators and silently waited until they got to the top floors. Fortunately for Jaehyun, no one wanted to speak so the atmosphere was slightly bearable. Kun's phone rang which everyone slightly shift, Jaehyun felt Johnny's eyes trail over him to look at Kun as he answered it. As they then got off of the elevator, Kun's facial expression was starting to look more grim as he kept listening to someone over the line. By the time Lucas opened the door to Jaehyun and Johnny's penthouse, Kun hung up.

"Johnny, that was Jongin at Seoul PD, the case is being completely protected from anyone except for the teams investigating the massacre. Not even his inside connections of higher ups are letting access or can't even gain access. The crime scene has also been off limits to those not on the teams." The mafia boss didn't say anything as he set his luggage down and took off his jacket, eyes trained onto the view of Seoul. Jaehyun lightly cursed at the news given to them, typically, they were able to even gain access of the Presidents information. Why is this case locked down so tightly?

"Teams you say?" Kun hummed as answer, slightly surprised that Johnny finally spoke. "Yes, there is the Seoul PD Criminal Investigation Team on it alongside Forensics looking into it." Johnny stayed silent but could feel Jaehyun's eyes studying his every move, reading him like a book.

"Which Investigation Team?" Jaehyun asked, Kun looked at him and sighed. "It's called GCIT, short for Gang-related Crimes Investigation Team. They look into neighboring gang crimes and lookout for any activity from them." Jaehyun rose an eyebrow as Johnny turned back to them with furrowed eyebrows, "if they investigate neighboring gang's, why would they look into this?"

Kun only shrugged again, he went to the lounging area and grabbed the files that were placed on the glass table. He picked them up carefully and handed them to Jaehyun when he came back to them. "No idea, yes the Seo Mafia would've most likely been on their radars but so are many others. And they don't take cases on like these, so that is the big question, why are they taking on this case?"


Doyoung was resting his head peacefully onto his crossed arms that laid on his desk. Maybe would finally be able to get a nap in for a few minutes but then a smack of files hit his desk right in front of him, making him flinch awake. He sat up and blinked away the sleepiness, glaring at the culprit who did that to him while he was resting. Unfortunately, it was Taeyong who was giving him an unamused look.

"What are you doing, Doyoung?" The light scolding tone made the younger fall into a slight pout as he rubbed his face. "Nothing, just slightly tired." Taeyong only hummed at the statement like it wasn't completely obvious that Doyoung was just about to fall asleep at his desk, 9pm at night on a Friday.

"Well you can go, you know that right? Ten left with Winwin to go check up on Yangyang and Sungchan." Taeyongs comment made Doyoung slightly wince apologetically. Here Doyoung was complaining about the lack of sleep he got since he was called in early in the morning, while Taeyong was there at the scene even earlier than the ravenette, having to leave his twelve year old son at home again.

The two fell silent and Taeyong didn't even seem bothered by his own comment whereas Doyoung didn't know what to say. Don't get Doyoung wrong, he feels bad, but it's unfortunately not the first time. Winwin also has to do it with his younger brother, Yangyang, who is fourteen, luckily Yangyang has been able to watch over Sungchan for two years now with police watching over them if anything of the sort were too happen. And of course, it happens almost daily.

"How is Sungchan by the way? I haven't been able to see him since Christmas a couple of weeks ago." Taeyong only sighed and leaned back against his chair, away from the computer. "He's doing alright, really well actually." Doyoung tell that something was clearly bothering Taeyong in that statement though, he was shuffling uncomfortably in his chair.

"I'm sensing a "but" in there." With that Taeyong put down his pen and file that were in his hands, sighing loudly. "That is the problem! He's completely fine!" The older's exclamation made Doyoung raise an eyebrow out of confusion.

"Is that bad?" Taeyong groaned, standing up and going across the room towards the coffee pot. As he started to pour coffee into his cup, he immediately started to rant, "no it's not, it's the fact that I know that he wants to know more about his father. But after our last talk about it, he acts like he doesn't want to know anymore."

Doyoung felt the sigh Taeyong gave out as he let out his own. Doyoung has known Taeyong since they joined the force together, he watched his son, Sungchan, grow up within a blink of the eye. Ten has known them longer, being best friends from high school to present day. But Doyoung knew very little about Sungchan's father, only that Taeyong met him when they were eighteen at school, and that he left during the winter. Ten also knew him, but based on the way he talks about him with venom, Doyoung decided to never really ask. The ravenette only know what he needs to know and that is enough for him.

Taeyong is a Carrier, meaning that despite being male, he was able to get pregnant like women. It's rare for Carriers to actually get pregnant because of the male body but not impossible, unfortunately for Taeyong, he didn't even know until he was six weeks pregnant.

He lost almost everything because of the news, but he didn't give up and now twelve years later he is a father with an amazing boy working as a crime detective. Doyoung always looked up to Taeyong, ever since he learned his life story, it just goes to show just how strong-willed he is.

Doyoung stayed silent, listening to Taeyong rant to him (again) on how he doesn't want to tell his son that his other father left him behind, even before that they knew Taeying was pregnant, and doesn't want to have him think that his other father abandoned not only Taeyong, but him as well. Luckily it was cut off quickly when Taeil came in with a tired smile, holding onto a few files.

"I think I just somewhat identified our gruesome murderer."

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