Answers [Loki]

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[A/N: Hi everyone - so I've started watching the Marvel movies, and I'm absolutely enthralled with the character of Loki. So, naturally, I wanted to write an imagine for him. As a heads up though, I'm only on the first Thor movie, so forgive me if some things are wrong. In this, the reader is the younger sister of Thor and Loki, but has always had a different relationship with the younger of the two.]

Being the younger sister to Thor and Loki had kept me in the shadows most of the time. Since I wasn't a direct heir to thrown, I wasn't often put into the spotlight. Of course, once our father, Odin, had begun teaching the three of us about taking over and ruling Asgard, my name had become much more commonplace.

Being the goddess of love, war, death, and beauty all in one had proved to be tough work, but I made do so far. I mainly helped my mother with diplomatic business as my father ruled and prepared Thor and Loki for what could prove to be their destiny. The day started as typical as any other day, but all of Asgard channeled excitement toward the events of the night - the annual royal ball. Of course, my mother and father would be there, as well as Thor and Loki, but the real focus was on me for a change.

Mother had insisted I begin the search for a suitor. As a royal of Asgard, it was expected that I marry. However, nobody understood how difficult it was for the goddess of love and beauty to truly fall in love. I had given up hope years ago, but I just hadn't told anyone. These balls were useless, just used to flaunt the youngest goddess of Odin to all of the Nine Realms.

A knock on my chamber door brought me out of my trance, and I heard an all too familiar voice ask, "Sister? Y/N? May I come in?" I sighed as the door opened, revealing the god of mischief - my brother, Loki. "You look lovely tonight, sister," he began, kissing the back of my hand out of respect. I sighed and replied, "Thank you, brother. Too bad it's all this fuss for nothing."

Loki furrowed his brow at me, confusion evident in his expression. "What do you mean, sister? Surely you'll find a suitor at the ball tonight." I let my frustration be known as I snapped back, "How can you be so sure, brother? I've never found one at the previous years' events, and I don't predict my fate this year to be any different." Silence filled the room, and I quietly continued, "You'd think it would be much easier for the goddess of love and beauty to find a suitor... Apparently I'm the only one who cannot find a match."

Loki sat down on my bed, listening to my dilemma intently. He was very obviously the more rational of my two brothers - Thor was boastful and arrogant, while Loki was calculated and humble. That's not to say Thor wasn't a great leader, full of passion and love for Asgard, while Loki could sometimes allow his logic to take charge over his feelings.

"I don't want to go down there, Loki," I admitted weakly, and I felt my brother take my hand. His hands were always cold to the touch, but it jolted me awake. Loki gently said, "I'll be your escort, Y/N. If you feel as though there are no suitors by the time we descend the stairs, since I know you well enough to know you'll have sensed it by then, I'll remain by your side through the night." I opened my mouth to argue, but Loki sarcastically asked, "Would you rather it be Thor?" I shook my head, smirking at the god of mischief before me - my eyes widened as I realized Loki would have me at his every whim tonight, and I dangerously said, "You'd better not try anything deceitful or mischievous, brother... I'm on to you."

Soon enough, Loki, dressed in his full suit with his green robe and black suit, held my arm gently as we waited for the doors to open to the ballroom. "At least try and smile, dear sister. At least you're with me for the night," he teased, smirking. I scoffed and said, "I'm beginning to rethink that choice between you and Thor, dear brother." Loki chuckled lowly at my remark and observed, "Y/N, you've never been able to come back at me before. You're learning." I rolled my eyes as I replied, "Yes, I've learned well from you, Loki."

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