Chapter 2

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"Oh fuck oh fuck. " I say grabbing mr.handsomes arm

"Get your fucking hands off of me," he says trying to remove my arm but fails I got a good

"NO I've never been on a plane before and it's all new to me omg what if we crash I'm too young to die ," I say panicking and shaking his shoulders

"We're not going to fucking crash NOW GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME ," he says actually removing my hands

"Sorry I'm just really scar-,"

"Fasten your seat belts and will get in Brooklyn in 5 hours ," the flight attendant says

"Fuck my life I get to spend 5 hours with an annoying little girl that dosent understand personal space," he says while gripping the bridge of his nose

"Hey I'm actually the funniest person to be around so shut UP——,"I say before
The plane starts to go

"Oh fuck oh fuck ok Um what's your favorite color," I say trying to distract myself

" shut up," he says

"Mine is purple and let me tell u why it all st-,"

"I DONT CARE WHY U LIKE PURPLE ," he says whisper yelling

I give up with him and trying to make conversation so I turn to the window and try to
Get some sleep

"Fine excuse me for trying to calm my nerves,"

I slowly start to go to sleep

Until mr.handsome gets up with the flight Attendant

"Mhm I wonder what happened," I shake off my thoughts and try to go back to sleep


The flight attendant just told me there's a special call for me

"This is David speaking," I say

"Hello David its Xavier I just wanted to say that we can't make it to Brooklyn in time the time we get there our rivalry has already gotten there ," my member Xavier says

I feel anger start to rise there we're supposed to come so we can have a meeting about killing our rivalry "the rivers ," stupid ass name now we can't do that because they can't come

"WHAT XAVIER WHAT DO U MEAN ," I say balling my fist

"I-I- know but we just can't well get there by Friday," he says

"Hey I'll talk to u later," he says

"WAI-," that motherfucker hung up

I start to walk back to my seat angry fuming and before I do something that will shut this plane down and get me locked in an asylum

I decide to give Aaliyah a chance just to keep
My mind of off things

She was there watching the movie up while kicking her small feet

She's so adorably annoying

"My favorite color is red ," I say looking at her

"Huh what ," she says confused

"My favorite color is fucking red now fuck off ,"

She smiles wildly and giggles

"Now tell me why ," she says tilting her head

"Because it's the color of blood and I love the sight of blood dripping off my victims when I kill them ," I say completely blank and serious

Everyone knows who Iam and what I do so she shouldn't be supriesed

She laughs out loud her head going back

"That was funny, but for real why do U like it ,"
She says

"I'm being fucking serious," I say getting irritated again


Then something in my brain clicks back in school my best friend Carolina told me the biggest gang leader in Brooklyn is really hot and his name was David she never showed me a picture of him but she told me the deatails like dark brown eyes olive skin amazing body

"Wait is your name David ," I say hoping the answer is no

"Yes is there a problem," he says smirking

I instantly panic

"N-o it's just that my friend told me what u do there's nothing wrong with it I'm just shocked please don't kill me for annoying u ," I say my eyes tearing up

"I won't kill u yet keep annoying me and mhm maybe ," he says

"I was just trying to make friends and plus we'll never see each other again we only have 2 hours left ," I say trying to
Save this situation

"Shut the fuck up and go to sleep or something," he says

"Well I'm no sleppy ," I say whining, I get shocked at my tone and blush

He smirks butt then goes back to his angry face

"Iam so shut up and let me fucking sleep," he says closing his eyes

I turn to the window and try to get sleep

After 2 hours of sleep the flight attendant says we're landing

I wake up and rub my eyes and turn to lay on David's shoulder

"Mhm comfy ," I say while snuggling his arm

"Get the fuck of me I swear your parents didn't teach you manners ," he spat out

"Sorry can u get my suitcase please ,"I say

He gets up and gets my 5 suitcases I have way more but it's just bags that I put under my feet

He hands it to me and gets his duffel bag

"U got a fuck load of stuff u moving here or something," he ask

Before I speak I get intrupted "actually don't finish that I don't care

I start getting upset I'm tired of him treating me like this

"Then why the fuck did u ask piss off  and move out of my way ,"I say trying to grab my suitcases

Then a brown haired  cutie stands up with his deep dimples tall frame

"Here lemme get these for you ," he says grabbing three and I get two

"Thank you u didn't have too ,"I say as we get off the plane

"Yea but I wanted too ,"he says

I blush as were walking out

"So what's your name ," he ask

"Aaliyah, yours " I say

"Shawn ," he says

Shawns very attractive and tall

"Where's your suitcase ," I ask randomly

"There going to give it to me right now it's only a duffle since I'm only staying here for a week ," he says

"That's nice well I have to go my taxis here ,"I say while he hands me my suitcase

"Well can u atleast give me your number," he says

I think about it and maybe I should he can probably show me around

"Sure ," we swap phone numbers and I continue to walk the my taxi

I get in and immediately go to sleep

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