━━ -ˋˏ one

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❝ what do you mean play nice? i'm not a child and this isn't a game

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what do you mean play nice?
i'm not a child and this isn't a game.


It had been two years since Odette had claimed to leave this place for good and here she was, back at the school that had moulded her into one of the best dancers in the country but also bent her until she nearly broke.

"I miss you already- you know what i'm coming back to New York forget this"

"Shut up you're staying. You promised" Marcie reminded her. Odette could hear her smile through the phone. "Now you actually need to move your legs and walk into the building"

Odette groaned and rolled her eyes

"Do I need to give you a step by step on how to walk or are you alright?" Odette muttered a 'fuck off' into the phone then an 'I love you' before cutting the phone on her friend

The Archer School of Dance was a place full of blood, betrayal and blisters. Dancers were pushed to their limits and then some.

For the first time Odette was unsure on her decision to come back. There were so many people she had to face again and she wasn't sure if she'd be getting the warm welcome she was expecting.

Things had been left on a salty note with some and good with others or should she say 'other' seeing as there was only one person she didn't call out before she left.

Odette walked up the stairs and identified herself at the desk with the receptionist who greeted her warmly "Thank you Mrs Warner, glad to see you're doing well" After that she slowly walked through the main lobby which was swarmed with people. Some were visitors, some were board members and there were others who were reporters. Most likely seeing how this school would pick itself up after Cassie's fall.

The media had been harassing her lately by asking how she felt about Cassie's fall but if she gave her real opinions she'd ruin her career and they'd think she pushed her.

"Odette Alleyne?" She turns and is greeted by a false smile to which she returned the same smile

"Madame Dubois, still grovelling are we?" Madame's smile dropped "Cassie got herself pushed off of the roof and now all eyes are on this place for the wrong reasons. You're trying to bring people back and bring new people in so that you can use them to shift the gaze"

Madame was still fazed. This girl had been gone for two years but hadn't lost the abilities to read her like she was a children's book. She quickly covered her slight shock with another fake smile and though it was best to change the subject.

"It's not like you to shy away from the spotlight Odette darling"

"They want my thoughts on Cassie, I don't share my thoughts on people who are merely dust under my pointe shoes" She smiles

"Harsh words"

"Thank you"

"You should have your schedule already and you're in your same room as before" Madame tells the star prodigy "Oh and Odette?" Odette turns and hums "Be nice"

Odette hums then says "I'd rather not"


This place still looked the exact same and Odette had to remind herself that it had only been just over two years since she'd been here.

It was quiet just how Odette liked it, she presumed that all of them were getting in some extra practice or in a class. "One of the best dance schools in the country but still can't afford a paint job" She muttered running her dainty hands over the chipped paint. I missed this

She opened the door to her old room and smiled at the double bed that had now taken the place of her old single bed and the one of her roommates. Madame wants me to do something for her but she's going to have to do more than give me my own room-

Her thoughts were cut short by Torri's voice "It's nice to have you back Odette but classes still start at one"

Odette didn't bother looking up as she continued to fish out her stuff "I'm aware"

Torri scoffed and the clacking of her heels could be heard as she walked away. Torri was definitely
something that she didn't miss about this place.

Odette began to get dressed and left by five to one. She didn't exactly bother to rush because what was the point in that?

Everyone was in their respective spots when Odette waltzed in. She could feel the eyes on her. "Stop staring at me Bettie babe," she whispers "it's rude"

Whispers arose as Bette glared at Odette "Sorry i'm late Mr. Brooks I just flew in" She smiles, genuinely. Mr. Brooks gives her a small grin as she makes her way to the bar by the window. Her spot was at the front of the middle bar, it always had been but she'd changed so she needed to change her spot. She moved near to window right beside Shane and muttered a small 'Hey' but received no response.

"Wow Shane I didn't know I meant so little to you" Odette chuckles quietly.

"You didn't answer my call last month" He mutters with a small smile on his face "It was important"

"I DM'd you after"

"It's not the same. I didn't hear your voice"

"Shut up" Odette scoffs as she slips off her shorts. When she stands up she looks over to the other side of her and notices a girl staring at her "And who are you?"

"Not another play toy" Shane mutters

"Shane i'm this close to throwing you out of the window"

"You're Odette Alleyne, the Black Swan. I-I'm Neveah uh I'm new here" Neveah answers scared of her reaction

Odette turns Shane "I like this one" She turns back to Neveah and whispers "Welcome to Hell."

Hope you enjoy your stay


chapter one is DONEEE
I hope you liked Odette
If you don't like her much then that's fine. She isn't a particularly nice person anyways but yeah.

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