━━ -ˋˏ three

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❝ you adapted

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you adapted.
no one does that here

"Partnering is about working together..." Tophoer said as he begun his speech. Odette's mind began to drift off to the party from a couple of nights ago. She had tried to shake this feeling that Delia's vibe had given her but she was struggling. Usually when she has a feeling like this nothing ends well.

"...Neveah you're with Oren, June you'll dance with Nabil, Bette you'll be with Shane and lastly Odette you'll be with Apollo" Apollo? Who the fuck was Apollo?

Shane taps Odette's shoulder and points "The cutie in the corner is Apollo. I think he's mute i've never heard him speak"

Odette groans and mutters a thanks walking over to Apollo with a scowl on her face. I deserved to be paired with Nabil or Oren, people who I know can match me.

Apollo stood in the corner with his eyes focusing on the floor as he slowly stretched "I'm Odette you're Apollo, try to keep up I don't like slackers" Odette snarls making Apollo turning her back to him.

Mr. Brooks starts the music and begins to call out the choreography and Odette followed along. Apollo was picking up the choreo at a slower pace than she was and usually it wouldn't piss her off but somehow he did.

"Can you be any worse? The counts are simple" She whispers harshly and he nods. Odette should feel bad but she doesn't, she wants to be the best and she won't have anyone be the cause of her downfall.

Apollo finally picks up the choreo and things begin to run a lot smoother but it wasn't up to par. She wanted more from him but he was giving her nothing more than any other guy in the room. So why the hell did Brooks think it was a good idea to pair the two.

Topher went around correcting people as they danced and stopped Bette as he began to correct her alone. He dismissed her poor attempt of the choreography and told them to perform a different section.

Apollo and Odette stood to the side and watched as the first three pairs danced a section of the choreography. Bette was clearly struggling with caused Shane to struggle to keep his hands on her waist. Odette began to become concerned for Shane as he and Bette poorly prepared for the left. Topher kept calling out the corrections until the lift. It all happened very quickly. Bette fell and many ran towards her concerned.

Odette didn't like Bette one bit but she couldn't help but be concerned after she fell. Anyone would be. Topher asked Bette if she was okay to which she repeatedly replied 'yes'. She watched as Shane looked back at Oren who glared at him so Odette glared at Oren.

"If you don't properly prepare for a lift it'll never work." Topher went on to say. "Has anyone been paying attention"

Odette wanted to test Apollo to see whether she'd have to switch to a new partner after today's lesson "We have" Odette smiles sweetly but then looks over to see Neveah had said the same thing at the same time. Odette looks at the girl with a risen brow indicating they should go first.

Meanwhile Apollo was freaking out. Does she have a death wish or what? We've barely gone over the choreo properly as a pair what makes her think we can perform it.

Thoughts like that played repeatedly in Apollo's head as Neveah and Oren performed nearly perfectly. As they finished both Apollo & Odette noticed that they only got one correction throughout the entire routine.

"Odette and Apollo" Odette nodded and walked to the centre of the floor as Apollo followed timidly behind. The music began and so did their dance.

It was all going well until Odette began to go off routine like she usually did. What the hell is she doing. Madame sighed heavily, Topher covered his mouth but Ramon looked intrigued.

Odette was caught by surprise when she felt Apollo's hand on her waist as she danced as if to be guiding her and supporting her. He was adapting to her settings and no one had ever done that before. Towards the end of the dance somehow Apollo was able to guide her back to the original choreography. At the end of it Odette and Apollo stood up. Topher opened his mouth to say something but shut it quickly then opened it again to say something else "You're all dismissed" Topher looks over at Odette "You went off course"

"I'm sorry. It'll never happen again"

"You've been saying the same thing since you were 12, try to not do it so often" and with that Topher exits the room.

Odette walks over to Apollo and sits infront of him "I won't apologise for being harsh but I will say that I underestimated you" Odette tells him as she took off her pointe shoes "You adapted to me, no one else does that here so I believe we will be great partners."

Apollo hums in response then gets up and leaves the room as Odette sits there stunned. So he's seriously not talking?! Bastard!!

a/n: not me updating
twice haha
apologies for the short chapter
anyways you've now met Apollo
our newest member of the cast

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