Hot for Teacher

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TW: Hints to domestic abuse

Her notebook was a mess, tatty, with pages torn, folded, and slotted back in uncomfortbly. Pages had stuck, and ink had ran from the countless drinks that she had spilt on the book. The book was leather bound, luckily, which may have a somewhat rotten stench to it, and whatever vicinity it was in, it protected the inside...for the most part. But it was hers, anything that she thought, liked, wrote, and played, went into her small leather note-book, with a funky elastic strap to keep it all contained, like a 13th centaury Filofax.

There had been mountains of idea's, solo's, and even riffs written somewhere in the book - which once started off colour coordinated, bookmarked, and cared for notebook, was now dirty, torn, and chaos that not even she could understand. Her hand writing was atrocious for the most part, she struggled to grip a quill correctly, but the pages in the book didn't even seem like it could be classed as a form of communication. She felt a lot, thought a lot too, and it would build up so she couldn't focus or pause on a moment, frantically she would write, bite at her nails till she was down to skin, and then just a little further. She was in such a hurry to get everything down, that she didn't pass a second thought to if she would be able to understand it.

Terry seemed most confused of all, even though he was most eager to hear what she had to say, but she didn't know how to explain it well, and with their blank, and concerned looks in their eyes, she stammered through her point. She felt like Mandy was understanding the most, which still wasn't a lot, but with Anthony yawning and too busy looking over his shoulders, rudely distracted, she needed Mandy on her side to get him to listen.

"Why don't you just use a wah peddle to get that extra something?" Mandy asked, her arms crossed as she sat sluggishly on the chair. "Do I look like Kirk Hammett to you?-"

"- You have the same hair" Anthony quickly fired back. But frustration was getting the best of her, and she found herself feeling too nervous, trying to tick all their boxes to keep them engaged in what she had to say. She kicked Anthony's leg under the table, causing him to yell as he finally turned to look at her, his eyes narrowed, pissed off, and yet completely fixated on remaining miserable until weed was involved. It was easier that way, to get his attention when she was rolling something that he wanted.

"Focus on what I'm saying man" she sighed, adjusting herself with agitation in her seat, as Anthony dramatically rolled his eyes, his body still disengaged in the conversation. But Mandy hit him against the chest, which Antheia knew hurt a lot more than her pathetic kick ever did, but Anthony still didn't look impressed, but he had sat himself up more on the chair. His eyes may have been closed, and even if she did care, she wasn't going to do anything, because she was getting sick and tired of the conversation too.

She felt like she was taking up their time, hers too, and for a moment as she looked at them all staring rather blanky at her, it felt like a waste of time, a pathetic waste of time to share an idea that wasn't their taste. She hated it, the feeling like she had to justify her actions, what she wanted to talk about, and her mood had deflated - that anchor back on her heart, almost weighing down any confidence that she should've had within that moment. "I just think it would be cool if we started doing a bit more?" She suggested, hoping to end the conversation with a suffice smug and a couple of nods.

She also, sometimes, hated how much of an active lister Terry was, because even if he didn't care, and didn't want to hear what you had to say, he would anyway. He was always paying attention to the person talking, never wanted them to feel left out, singled, or isolated; everyone knew the feeling of being rejected, and Terry, the kindness that he was, never wanted anyone to feel that. He would listen, ask questions, figure out what you struggle to say, and reword it so everyone else also understood.

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