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This is not a record of all the events of the year of two thousand and twenty. Neither is this a throwback, nor any sort of simple memoir. If that is what you are here for, you may gladly turn back. Maybe peruse the billions of other things that humanity has to offer.

This, right here, is my review of the year. At least, that's what the title says. It is more, much more. It isn't exactly a diary. It's not a bland critique of the sort you see in newspapers. And in no way is this merely a timeline of the year of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As I said, it is much more. There are no genuine words I can use to profoundly describe what I am about to type on here. At least nothing within my vocabulary. And yeah, this will also include tons of curses, derogatory insults and innovative slang terms. If you are averse to the such, you may leave at your pleasure. But in this disclaimer, or rather claimer, I will attempt to explain, in short, what it is that I am about to present to any readers I may garner.

To say the very least, this is a note and a block of the year, the emotion and the outward presence of the year, its effects on me, on others, and on the public as a whole. But mostly on me. There are many topics of my life that I would wish to express here.

All the personal challenges that I have undertaken this year, all the regrets and all the feels. I will be using the most emotion-worthy vocab I know, and try to get across all my exact points. Try. There is never a guarantee that you, as a reader, will gather much of how I felt, of how I experienced the year, seeing as everyone had very varied outlooks on the year.

I don't like being presumptuous, but in the unlikely case that Wattpad survives the test of time, maybe someday in the future, someone will find this piece of non-fiction. Maybe this will somehow live on. But that is just a 'what-if', and not the basis of any works I will be creating during the life of my account of Wattpad. Maybe I'll publish this as a printed book, in which case it would probably turn into an actual memoir. There is much to address, yet very less.

Mainly, I would like to convene a very detailed look back at the year, while keeping this as a sort of autobiography. I understand the difficulties the genre poses, and I am, voluntarily, completely up for it. To be honest, though, this story will contain tons of personal information, but I will surely try to cut down on the such and make it an intriguing read. If anyone does read, that is.

Why does it need personal info, you ask? Because I wish to absolutely give my all into this work. I totally want to make it as heartfelt as possible and as private as not-being-private can be. Again, it is challenging by itself, but I agree to the Terms of Service of exploring new genres.

There are also some other things that require addressal.

This, right here, is my work. If anyone ever decides to quote any part of this, make sure to give proper credit. It is very appreciated.
Secondly, you are free to judge any lapses I might have made while writing this, but I don't really care. This may be my first work on Wattpad, but it is something that I wish for to be mine, by phrasing, by the language and by how I wish to express it.
Thirdly, something which you'll probably get loads more of on all sites where you can publish your work, is don't like, don't read. This does not contain any smuts or lemons, but it does have PG-13 language, and is not your typical non-fiction. It cannot be encompassed by any certain genre, as far as I can recall, but a memoir sounds like the closest definition. Regardless, the events I include here are not strictly prohibited to the year 2020, but neither is it an account of anything besides 2020. In a gist, this will cover my 2020, but will have references to my experiences of other years. Hence, the doubt in genre.

You are free to leave at any point throughout, if, perhaps, you deem that:
1. I am not being punctual in uploading chapters.
2. I am not fulfilling what you require from a memoir of 2020.
3. I am concentrating too much on my own struggles, and forgetting all the unfortunate events that 2020 brought to the forefront, or
4. There is any reason for you to abandon the story. You know what, you don't even need a reason. You can abandon this at any time you wish. This is a record that I wish to be read only by people who are willing to read it.

Now, to be completely honest, none of this would be possible if my immature teenager brain hadn't suddenly thought, Aah, how would it be if I begin writing the most personal fucking diary, and put everything into it? and then a year later, it thought, Mate, how 'bout we make this public so the whole fuckin' world knows how my year was? Sounds 'bout right, innit?
And that, ladies, gentlemen, trans-people, asexuals, aromantics, bisexuals, pansexuals, omnisexuals and queers, is how this came to be about.

This was just a preface of what is to be coming, and what I'd be writing about. Now, there's bound to be tons of stuff that you mightn't like, tons of YouTubers whom you might hold a grudge against, tons of topics you don't like discussing. This is, in short, also a warning.

If there is anything that you won't like, and you suspect that I do, please, just quit here. This is a shitload of stuff that I'm doing without any pre-thought, and it might be considered offensive by some people.

But, if you're still here, SWEET!
Let's roam into what a fucking wasteland this year's been, and why it hasn't been as much of a bullfuck.

And yeah, Merry Christmas, y'all!

Holy frickin' mother of Christ riding Zeus' frog dic—!!

Heathens and Havens: A Review of 2020Where stories live. Discover now