Chapter 1

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Another Thursday. So close to the weekend, but still too far away. Not that I would ever complain about my job. I was and always will be so grateful to be doing what I love, and forever thankful for the day when all my cards fell into place and I ended up working for one of the most well-known film and photography firms in LA. I am more than aware that people would give just about anything to be in my shoes if only even for the day. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate and count my blessings.

On the other hand however, work is work, and filming and taking celebrity pictures may look glamorous from the outside, it's actually pain staking, tiring, and most of the time emotionally draining. Working with high end celebrities was not easy or for the faint hearted. They knew what they want, there audience knows what they like and you're left in the middle to bridge the gap and make everything perfect and everyone happy.

Anyway as I was saying, another Thursday. My boss had emailed me through a new clients details. I defiantly new the client by name. My after-hours work freelancing for the paparazzi meant I had to know who was who in Hollywood, every single day, otherwise I wouldn't make any money. I defiantly had mixed feelings about the assignment my boss had delegated to me. He was one of the freshest, hottest, rising to fame kids in the world. An A list social influencer. I can't lie and say it didn't excite me, but my experience also chimed in the back of my mind, reminding me that assignments we are sent on are rarely as they first seem.

I had to think professionally, what was the client needing from me? What equipment was needed? What was the timeframe? Would we have to travel? So I did what I had been trained to do, I emailed his management and set up a meeting to discuss and find answers to all my questions. After I flicked the email over, I did the next thing I had been trained to do. Research. I googled his name and learnt as much as I could about him, knowing I couldn't use the net as a legitimate source, but just getting the basics down pat. To my surprise only half an hour later the new client's management team replied to my email advising that a meat and great would preferably happen ASAP as my new client was defiantly a busy man. We locked in a time for the next day, and we were to meet at the client's home in Bel Air. After a bit of editing and housekeeping, finally my day was over, I locked up my office and headed to the subway to make my way home.

Public transport was dodgy at the least in LA but for now its all I had. Like I said before Im totally grateful to have been given the breaks I was and work in my dream profession, but I also couldn't help but wish it would all come together a bit quicker. I had been out in LA for nearly three years and I was still catching the subway home to my cramped apartment I shared with two other friends. We had all moved out to LA together thinking we were going to hit the big time. But if you know Hollywood, then you know how many others move out there with the same dream.

I arrived home to dinner cooked and a fairly clean apartment (even if I had no personal space or any thing luxury, I was glad for the little things and a roof over my head). My best friend Brynn was to thank for dinner and was now in a half sitting half laying position on the couch, rolling a blunt, through already blood shot eyes.

'hey girl hey' I said quietly as I made myself comfortable next to her, dinner on my lap.

Brynn looked up at me and smiled 'hey bitch'

'thanks for dinner, looks so good'

Brynn continued smiling as she raised the blunt to her lips and sparked it.

The rest of the night pretty much consisted of us blazing, laughing at how ridiculous a current affairs shows were, and sitting in silence as the weed let us relax and let go of our days. I obviously fell asleep on the couch, as when my alarm woke me the next morning I was still there, in the same clothes, and now with a massive neck ache to match. Never the less I had to pull myself together. It was 7am and I had to be in Bell Air by 9. A quick shower, borrocca and a Panadol and I was out the door. A part of me wished I carried that feminine gene that really thought about outfits and style. But I had never been one to think like that. As long as I was professional, clean and tidy, I was happy. My wardrobe could be described by that add that used to be on TV was I was a kid, something about a guy in a shoe store who just keeps asking 'got any blacker?' But I was fine with that, I could happily leave the style to the Hollywood residents on the other side of the camera.

I arrived in Bell Air and caught a cab up to the hills, to the address I had been given to meet this new client. The houses were, honestly, indescribable. Mansions, like the ones you see in movies, that you could never imagine people actually reside in. High end cars lined the streets outside, and in the drive ways, Range Rovers, Lamborghini's, Ferraris. So this is how the other half live I thought to myself as the cab winded its way up through the hills, and finally pulled to a stop outside a rather humble looking house compared to the others that lined these hills. I paid the driver, gathered my things and stepped out of the cab. Took a moment to make sure I had everything in order and I looked professional before I walked up to the large brown wooden door and knocked on it.

A chubby man with dark hair and a goatee answered the door.
'hello' I smiled 'I am Dylan Sosa from LA Filming and Photo Graphics, I have a meet and great scheduled today with Michael Gruen and Jaden Hossler'
I held out my hand to the man, as he extended his to shake it
'I'm Michael Gruen, please, come in'

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