gaara of the sand: sleepless nights

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"You are more

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"You are more

than just a heartbeat

in a world

that forgets to love."

-perry poetry


<after another sleepless night, y/n finds herself wandering off towards gaara>


listen to the song "Over The Moon" by The Marias at the top as you read this chapter :)

How many times Y/N has sighed within the past hour is unknown. She shuffled, and moved, trying to find comfort in her soft bed, yet her mind was racing at the thought of her kazekage. Why can't she stop thinking about him? Her heart was racing as she could practically picture his face in her mind.

Gaara's tone always remained kind and gentle towards her, as if they've been close for years, well to say the least, they were, yet she can't help but question if something is missing in their friendship. His soft voice, and beautiful heart is what drew her in closer towards him, and she couldn't stop another sigh from falling off her lips.

'Gaara... why can't I find myself at ease with the thought of not being near you.'

She stood up, pushing the blankets off her body before trudging over towards the door, leading her out of her bedroom. Y/N tried to be as quiet as possible before she soon found herself at his office door, knocking slightly, immediately after she realized if this was even a good idea.

"Who is it?" His voice practically sent chills down her spine. It's not like he was planning on sleeping anyways, would it really bother him so much if she came to pay him a visit?

"...Y/N" Her head tilted downwards a bit as she didn't hear no response from him after. A couple seconds of waiting passed by, but she soon began to hear light shuffling on the other side of the door. Instead of saying it was okay to come in like usual, it was quite a surprise to Y/N when the door opened to reveal Gaara's taller figure standing in front of her.

"Y/N, is something the matter?" His deeper voice brought her back to reality as she brought her (e/c) eyes to meet his softer green eyes. Gaara let her in without a moment of hesitation, as she found herself getting closer to the large window near his desk, watching the stars and large moon from outside.

"Sorry- if I-um bothered you. I couldn't sleep and was wondering if I can be in here with you?" The girl mumbled, shameful of her awkwardness and slight mumbling. She was avoiding eye contact once again, yet Gaara was quite used to this behavior of hers.

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