Lightning & Thunder

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Disclaimer: I do not Star VS the Forces of Evil.




The loud thunderous noise strikes the land, giving tremors to the motherland and filling the sky with blistering white that quickly fades into rainy darkness. And the one to scream was the same woman to defeat Toffee, save her people from Mina and the High Queen of Mewni. Luckily, her demon king was there, holding her tight.

"Oh, babe. It's okay. It's okay. The thunder won't get to you." He cooed to the blanketed queen, trying his best to make her feel safe. When he really couldn't. Being a source of comfort or a place where she seeks protection was really something he rarely practiced, especially around the hyperactive woman who feared nothing and eager to kick evil. She hated this more than he did. Especially against him who can hold his composure.

"I don't get how you could get used to these things."

"Well, my mom manipulates the weather when she gets emotional. Just think of it like that or some normal storm." He smiled, petting her back.

"They're not like normal storms, Tom! They can't make the entire Mewni shake like this!" Tom struggled to make up words of comfort. If this was a force of evil that Star had little power to fight against (which is highly unlikely), he would do anything to change that. But the thunder and storms were necessary, as the two advisers claimed. Without magic, there needs to be a novel way of reconnecting. An alternative method of communication, but Mewni could not practice the same methods as Earth does. They don't have satellites, nor the proper solar system to suit it.

So this needs to happen. They need a few places for lightning to strike, collecting the power to make something out of it. The worst going on was heavy tremors below the feet on every level and an ear wreck to ignore. Not ideal, but something.

"But Diaz said the castle, and the houses are safe, right? They'll only vibrate. And this could help Mewni develop." His persuasion fell into deaf ears. The horned blanket was still hugging onto him. He tried once more, "Star, nothing is going to happen to you. If something does, I'll be there to keep you and the kids safe."


The loud cries of the communicator rung into the room, unexpectedly shocking her. But then again, it was a stormy night. No one expected the call. Though Tom had an inkling, it could be Diaz. He sighed, rubbing on her back softly with a few pets. But Star was like a glue on him. Despite hiding under the thick blankets.

"I must take the call. Can you..." He trailed off, expecting she would know his words, and she did. Even her response was predictable. "Nope, nu-uh."

He sighed, but a smile lingered on his lips. This was pretty much his first time seeing Star so terrified over nature's power. A part of him wished that he could stay, comfort her as much as she did for him when he first learned about his claustrophobia. But he is also a king to the mewman, monster and every Mewni civilian.

"How about you stay here with Hampton, Starship?"

"No..." She whined, hugging him tighter. He sighed, rubbing on her back. "It won't take long, sweetie. I promise."

Not budging. So it was best to negotiate. "Is there anything you want while I'm out?"

"Can you get my cereals? They're in Marco's kitchen."

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