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"I can't do this!" I say as I gave up memorizing the page I was assigned.

"Uh-huh. Am I hearing this right? THE Ian Carl De Jesus, the one that can do anything AND everything, the one that is in the top of the class, the Ian that can memorize long as shit stuff in less than an hour is giving up?" My friend, Kai, sarcastically said.

He was right. I never and I mean never in my 19 years of existence have had this much struggle, let alone struggling itself. I was always known as the perfect boy, a son, friend, brother anybody could ask for, but today was different, very. I could hardly focus on anything. My sister, my only sister ran away.

"Shut it Kai, look at you mocking me because I'm struggling, have you memorized yours?" I say looking him dead in the eyes.

He didn't reply, silence answered me.

"See, even you can't do it." I tell him and he just laughed at me.

"Listen here pretty boy-"

"Kai, for pete's sake I told you to stop calling me that."

"Someone's clearly not in the mood." One of my other friends, Jiro, teased entering the classroom we were occupying.

"I don't have time for your stupid jokes. I'm going to the library if ever you need me, assholes." After finishing my sentence I grabbed my books and backpack and rushed to the halls on my way to the library.

I went to the library and to my luck, there was barely any people, enough for me to concentrate. I look at my watch and to my surprise it was 4:49, I had approximately 11 minutes to try and memorize the page before school ended.

11 minutes flew by fast. I stare at the library door as I watch my friends enter.

"There you are!" Jiro idiotically yelled. We were in a library, was he really stupid enough to do that?

"It's 5 sharp, shouldn't you be on your way home? Well if not don't bother wasting your energy, your time, nor your annoying voice here. This is a library incase you missed the fact. Use your inside voice, and if you can't, the door is that way your always free to leave." Ms. Enriquez, the librarian had just rebuked Jiro.

I couldn't help but laugh. I pick up my belongings and went near the door where my idiotic friends were standing.

"Shutting your mouth once in a while won't hurt y'know." I whispered purposely to annoy Jiro.

"Ok mister perfect." Jiro stated while rolling his eyes.

"Look at the two bottoms fighting." Kai said as he tapped both mine and Jiro's shoulder.

"Asshole." Jiro said as he glanced at us with annoyed eyes as he left the library.

Me and Kai couldn't do anything but chuckle by the way he acted. We loved pissing him off, the face he makes, and his priceless answers. Tch.

As me and Kai left the library my phone started to ring, I checked and it was one of my 5 brothers calling me, I didn't hesitate picking it up.

"No news." I hear from the other line.

"No news? Then what's purpose of calling me when you have nothing important to say?" I said annoyed.

"Hey I'll be going now." Kai mouthed as he walked away and I just nodded.

"Listen here. We're all just as concerned and worried as you are, I called to talk about you and Pear have you-"

"I have no interests in this topic whatsoever I'm hanging up I'll be home around seven or six." I didn't wait for a response but instead hurried to end the call.

Just hearing her name annoyed me. Pear, she used to be a good friend of mine, but she used me, for money, clout, and nothing more. My parents don't know though, infact nobody knows except for me, her and that one boy. My parents have always thought of Amber as the sweet perfect little innocent girl but in reality she was nothing like that, she was far from reaching their expectations but then again, nobody except me knew, that's exactly the reason why my parents have been pursuing me to date her, and when time passes by they want me to marry her, but there was a problem, let's set aside the fact that she was very cruel and only cared about her feelings, and nobody else's, I was gay.

A/n: Chapters will be shorter but updating will be more often, Merry Christmas enjoy the day, stay safe love lots!!!

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