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(Jungwon POV)

"Mmm what's that smell" I thought

Huh y/n was not on the couch anymore

I smelt something really good coming from the kitchen

"Mmm?" I walked into the kitchen rubbing my eyes

"Ahh you awake now" y/n said while smiling at me

"Ahh open your mouth" y/n said holding the fork up to my mouth

"Wait what...why" I said

"Hmm I see! .. jungwons shy because I'm feeding him watch a cutie cutie" she said with a baby voice.

"WHAT? NO here give me that!" I said quickly biting the egg off the fork.

"Mmm is it good?" She said while squishing my cheeks.

" enough already" i said whining

"Fine fine" she said with her regular voice.

Maybe having her around Isn't bad ... but then I suddenly remembered ... I kissed her last night.

"No way it wasn't a real kiss I hate romance anyways I just kissed her on her forehead" I thought.

Just what is with me...

(Y/n POV)

I actually like Jungwon he is really chill .. I guess you could call him my friend right..?

"OH SHOOT WE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I said jumping around

Then suddenly a hand hit my head slightly.

"Calm down silly it's Saturday" Jungwon said laughing.

"Saturday?" I said in a confused tone

"You've should've seen yourself just now , you look like a possum who just lost there mind" Jungwon said dying off laughter

"Haha so funny I should get going now" I said walking away

"Wait" I felt jungwons hand hold mines

"What is its"? I said

"It wouldn't hurt to stay here until Monday.. right" Jungwon said.

"Well I don't know" I said scratching my head.

"Let's have a sleepover I'll call Jake!" Jungwon said excitingly

I mean having Jake over wouldn't really be bad ... right?

"Jake is on his way right now!" Jungwon said

"Oh okay" I said

What is this feeling , I could feel my heart pounding on the outside of my chest.

Do I like Jake? No there's no way I like him no ...

"Hey y/n when Jake comes over we should go shopping you have no clothes here right?" Jungwon asked

"Ahh your right good thinking" I said to Jungwon


I heard a knock on the door , I ran straight to it because I was excited to see Jake.

I soon as I opened the door .. there was Jake I jumped into his arms hugging him.

"jAkEeeeee" I said while hugging him tightly

But while I was hugging him there was someone behind him , it was the girl he was doing a project with

I quickly jumped off him.

"Hi" she said looking at me with the most coldest eyes and tone.

"Oh yeah I brung my study partners along" he said while looking back

"Ahh yes that it right" she said with the biggest smile.

"Wtf as soon a Jake turned around her cold face turned into the biggest smile" I thought.

"Ohh haha ha ha" I just said.

This is going to be a night.

Trouble / jungwon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now