Day one

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There are hybrids like cat people/nekos. You are a hybrid bat. Your wings connect to your back so your hands are free to move as they please. Your hair/fur is going to be white. Your tail is a little short with no floof. You are on the skeld, the first map/ spaceship. Based off the Skeld anyways.

You arrived to the station where you and your crew mates would be boarding. There were space suits set out, twelve, all different colors. You were the first one so you chose white. You then looked into a box. It hat some things you could customize your suit with. You found a halo and a yellow marker.

Once you were done, you boarded, it was big. Far bigger than your home. You wandered around exploring every nook and cranny. 'So many hiding spots and vents.' You soon found the sleeping quarters. You chose a hammock in the corner with a net bag thing above you so you could put your items in it. You laid in your hammock and pulled out your phone and messed with some of your settings, alarms, and games until the others found the sleeping quarters.

However, by the time the others found you, you were fast asleep. They didn't disturb you, unsure if you were a grumpy or happy person when you woke.

Tem skip to when u leave mother earth

I was already doing my tasks to get them out of the way. I made my way to the reactor room, did the Simon says button pushing then did the numbers to my right. After I got done with those I glanced into the security room. Pink and Dark Blue were watching the cameras, they waved a hello and I waved back. I left to go to electrical.

Down I walked to lower reactor and to electrical. I had a bad feeling about this room ever since I found it. I quickly walked in, rewired the wires, flipped a switch then quickly left. Electrical never looked but its aura felt bad, as if you were to stay to long inside that it would eat your soul. I walked to coms to check if everything was okay at earth. I found Purple asleep in the chair.

I gently shook them awake. "Hey if your tired you can go to the sleeping quarters." "No, I feel watched when I'm in there. Purple responded sleepily. "Why do you feel watched? I can sit in the sleeping quarters while you sleep if you want." Purple was hesitant, but nodded. I grabbed Purples hand with a soft grip and lead them into the sleeping quarters. I turned around to give Purple some privacy while she changed into her PJ's and climbed into her bunk bed that was screwed tightly into the wall. I sat on a stool and sat as best I could in the corner of the sleeping quarters to get the best view of everything. I saw and heard almost every one pass by, checking on us, every 20 minutes. By the sixth time I began to get anxious. Every time a group or pair walked past, Black was with them, the more I thought the more anxious I got. I shook Purple awake and told her what I've noticed.

Purple looked uneasy and got redressed in their suit. We then walked to the oxygen room and checked the oxygen levels. The levels were below normal. I moved the levels up a bit and went off on my own to find Red or Black.. or both. Red was 'leader of this crew' even though Black was leader. However being around Red made me feel safer than with Black. As I walked past the chair in weapons, the door shut in front of me. I momentarily panicked, but quickly calmed myself down. The door opened a few moments later and I walked through and into cafeteria. Something felt off.

I speed walked to medbay. Nothing.
Sped walked to upper reactor. Nothing.
I walked to security.

Pink was dead.

I immediately called a meeting, fearfully shouting that Pink was dead, over and over. I was shocked that a death had happened so soon and I was the one to find poor Pink, a bloody mess on the floor. Lime and Cyan, twins, hugged me and comforted me until I could speak clearly. "I found Pinks body in security." Red spoke comfortingly but sternly "Did you see anyone with Pink last before this happened?" "They were with Dark Blue." Dark Blue looked panicked. The yelled that he followed me to electrical but went pass and went to cafeteria to eat something.

I didn't remember if I had seen anyone in the cafeteria. DB (Dark Blue =DB) repeatedly said that he went to cafeteria, we all looked at eachother and voted to skip. I sat there on the bench for a moment, Red sat down beside me, he didn't speak, I leaned against him, feeling comforted. He sighed and patted my opposite shoulder reassuringly.

I didn't know what to think. 'Why would someone kill Pink? Did Pink make someone mad?' So many questions ran through my mind. My stomach didn't growl even though my body was hungry. I had lost my appetite seeing Pink dead. I don't know how long I sat there leaning against Red. I was dozing in and out of sleep when I heard Red and I think Orange speaking. I, having zero interest on what their speaking of, fell asleep. I could feel myself being scooped up and carried, bridal style, then set down in my hammock.

When I awoke Brown was quite literally ontop of me. How he managed to get up here without me waking? I have no clue. He motioned to be quiet and pointed at the vent. I didn't give a shit of what he wanted, I screamed, loud and shrill. The whole ship heard it. I began trying to kick and shove Brown off me. Brown covered my mouth and laid ontop of me so I was pinned. I couldn't move.

I heard metallic clanging to running footsteps and heard someone run in. In a desperate attempt to get Brown off me, I bit him hard, my teeth peircing through their clothes/suit. Brown yelled out in pain, but I my teeth were all ready latched on and sinking deeper into his flesh. Brown repeatedly punched me in the stomach, someone pulled us both out of my hammock and began to try and get us away from eachother. I cooperated while Brown was still trying to get to me.

It was Black.

After Brown settled down he yelled, "I just know that White/you did it! You killed Pink!" Everyone disagreed. 'Why is he now saying anything? I don't think he said anything at the last meeting.' after a few minutes of shouting, it was time to vote..

It was a tie between skip and Brown. Brown was on thin ice. I quickly walked to Black and said how thankful I was when he pulled Brown away from me, he replied "No problem." I smiled at him and he smiled back. We walked to navigation and sat in the comfy chairs while he did his last tasks. Soon we both were going to the sleeping quarters and laid in our respective sleeping areas.

I heard the others, in pairs, change and lay down in their own beds/hammocks. As I slowly drifted off to sleep thoughts raced through my mind. 'What's wrong with Brown, I mean, he didn't say anything until he was ontop of me. I want to talk to the twins (Cyan and Lime).'

I soon fell into a dreamless slumber.

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