bobinski's mice circus

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(B) hello caroline

(C) mr.bobinsky

(B) would you like to come see circus mice today

(C) sure

(B) bring your friend it will be great to see them perform

(C) alright

(B) *goes inside his home*

(W) *riding over on his bike* hey jonsie

(C) wybie mr.bobinsky invited us upstairs to see his circus mice

(W) I've never seen circus mice before besides the mice in my grandma's attic

(B) come by tonight at 6pm

(C) will do

(W) so I see the flowers have sprouted already

(C) I make sure to water them every day

(W) hi mrs.jones

(M) nice to see you wybie, coraline me and your father are going out tonight to talk to the publishers about new books so we will be back around ten tonight

(C) alright mom, mr.bobinsy invited me and wybie to see circus mice

(Ch) wonderful coraline well see you later

(W) bye mr and mrs.jones

*parents leave*

(W) where was that small door located?

(C) *runs inside* follow me

(W) *following behind* your home is always so big

(C) yeah we have to do some redecorating soon after they get enough money to

(W) is that the door?

(C) yeah this is the small door

(W) *looks at clock* it's almost time for the circus mice

(C) awesome let's go up *walks outside* bobinski is up there in that house

(W) ok *walks upstairs*

(B) just in time Caroline and Caroline's friend

(W) nice to see you mr.bobinsky I'm wybie coraline's friend

(B) here are the circus mice

*circus music playing*

(W) whoah that's cool

(C) you trained them well

*mice walking on ball*

(W) coraline look it's on a ball

(C) *laughing*

(B) as a thank you for coming to my mouse circus I give you both a reddish and a small circus ball signed by bobinski myself

(C) thank you mr.bobinsky

(W) thank you *leaving apartment* that was fun

(C) yeah it was

*text from mel Jones*

(M) don't forget i will be home around 10 your friend is welcome to stay the night if he'd like to

(C) ok mom

(W) who was that?

(C) my mom said you are allowed to spend the night

(W) alright but where would I sleep?

(C) i have an extra spare bed in my room upstairs

(W) ok

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