"I am here for you whenever you're ready, even if it's one day, two months, or three years."
"Trust me! Please. When have I ever let you down?"
"I have always been here for you. It would be nice if you showed me you appreciate that."
"How can I help you? Talk to me. That's the only way I can understand."
"After all this time, you still can't trust me. Just goes to show how little you think of me."
"I never second guessed trusting you but now I don't think I'll ever trust someone again."
"Relationships are built heavily on trust so I don't know how we've managed this long."
"Trust goes both ways, so unless you trust me back I can't do the same for you."
"Can I trust you? After all this time I want to, but I don't think I can."
"It's hard to trust someone when all they've done is left you in the dust."