Dealing With Parents

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     My parents walked, and we all quieted down. "Marco, dear, who is this? Are you going to introduce us?" my mom asked? The way she said it was confusing. It was almost like she knew something. The thing is that I do not know what she might know. Taking a deep breath in, I said, "Mom ... Dad this is Tom he is a.........friend and I was wondering if can stay the for a little bit." My mom and dad raise their eyebrows and looked at each other. Okay, something is going on between them. My dad was the one who spoke up, "Marco, you know that we would love you no matter what. We heard some interesting news from Ferguson's mother today." That is when everything clicked into place. They thought Tom and I were dating. "Um ... Mom can Star, Tom, and I have some time alone?", I asked. Looking over at each other they had a silent conversation before hesitantly leaving us alone. 

     Letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding I started to pace to try and calm down. Tom looked at me with a confused look, "What is going on?" Damn, He is really cute when he made that face. "Well, when Janna, the girl who did this showed it all to the class they believed her even my best non-princess friends. I guess one of them told their mom who told my mom who told my dad that we are dating. What I want to know is what we should tell my parents because that just friends thing is not going to work anymore." Tom was the first to speak, "Well, we shouldn't tell them we are engaged unless there is no other way. We should let them believe that we are just dating. If we do that though, everyone is going to think we are dating are you OK with that?" Here Tom was being so nice and helpful and even though he didn't have. It would be scary having everyone think we are dating, but it would make things a lot easier. " OK let's do it.", I said. Star was the next to speak up, "Guys I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but I think that Tom should come to school with us so it becomes more believable." Tom spoke next, "Star is right. Plus it would be safer and convince my dimension that we are serious. I will get Crandle to enroll me tomorrow." "OK let's do this. Mom, Dad you can come in now." It was a few seconds before the creaking of the door signaled their arrival.

     Gathering up my courage I said, "Mom, Dad as you probably know Tom and I are together and I was wondering if he could stay over for a while." They looked at each other and said, "I don't know Marco I mean it is not that we don't trust you it is just that we know who teenagers are like and we don't think it is appropriate that your boyfriend stays with us." I can not believe what my parents are thinking about what we are going to do. I mean it is not such a bad idea, but I would never do it in my parent's house. Oh and not with a guy I am straight.....right? I looked at Tom and I could see the desperation in his eyes. Without thinking I said, "Mom, dad as you can see Tom is not from this dimension and his dimension they believe that it would be safer for me if he was with me since I am his fiance." It took me a while to realize what I said. I looked around the room and both Star and Tom had their faces in their hands and my parents were staring at me with wide eyes. Well oh sh*t.

A.N: Hey guys hope you like this chapter please give me feedback. 

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