Finding her

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If your one og those people who lokes to be keep in the loop i must regretfully inform you there is something you dont know. Humans are not alone. There are Vampires and Werawolves along with a wich or two. Theres a creature not even mythics belive is real and there is a entire pack of wearwolver decidated to killing humans. There is a organzition of a sorts who keep them in line and hunt the bad ones. And it has been decided by this organzation that all vamppires are bad.

Well, almost all.

See there is one vampirer who for some unexplained reason can resist his demon. All vampires have demons. Because the demon makes you a vampire. When some one is bit the vampire can chose wether or not to inject vampire vemon into them.once they have the vemon in them its fair game for any vampire demons around. And threr is alwase vampire demons floteing around. And it is not hard to over power the human side.

But this one vampire can walk into a roo of bleeding prople and only feel the slight need for a snack. He dose not have to feed ever two or three days like most and can go months without a single drop of blood. He had spent a full week traped in a cell with a human who had been beat near death and never once even felt the slight need for that sickly sweet substence.

Just to be clear, that vampire is me. And the human, she's my partner. She's a agent, and one of the best. She caught me on her first mission.

Agents work untill they die. Its a acient organziation that has been proceting the human race for centries. Most of the agents are around 500 years old. Because once you become a agent you dont age and can only be killed my a mystic.

You also cant have kids once you take the ohth, you know, because you dont age. So most get married and have kids in there late twenties and early thirties. Then they take the ohth, and spend the rest of etirnty fighting creatures like me untill they die.

There kids are trained from a young age and often follow in there parents footsteps. Some are trained and walk away without takeing the outh and lead normal lives. My partners twin brother did that and acording to her lived a happy life and died.

I cant say the same for her. My partners name is Eva, i'm Leon. Your probaly wondering why a vampire would help a vampire killer. Well to be honest, i didn't really have a choice. She was suppose to kill me but i convinsed her not to. Then i brought to the director where i proved i didn't have the urge to devore ever human in sight.

After that i bounced around for a frw hunderd yeard from case to case helping a lot of people who didn't like me. Somehow i found my way bace to Eva. She was slightly amused that i wasn't dead and was the first person in a few hundered years that wasn't scared of me. Mainly because she could kill me with her eyes closed. And for some odd reason, i liked her. And i hadn't liked anyone in a long time.

After the case was done i figured i would be bounced to the next case. But as it turns out Eva's last partner had been killed or something and she was the only person who did't try to kill me, so i was assined her parnter. And for 153 years i was happy. I worked with my best friend and the longer we worked together the closer we got.

Then she was gone.

I blamed my self for a long time for reasons i dont want to think about. But as it turns out, she was kidnapped. That was 10 years ago.

When she was taken the Hunter , as they call themselves, kinda let me lose. They wanted there agent back and the person who knew her best was me. So i was let off my leash and told to do one thing, find her.

And thats where i am now, looking for Eva. Vampires channle anger better than any emotion, and right now i'm only able to foces on it. Nothing makes me smile, jokes i once laughed at arn't funny, neverythings dull. Thats what a vampires wolrd is like. But with her is wasn't, and now she's gone and it all is hundered times worse.

So as i tore down the old dirt road somewhere in mississippi i couldn't help but think of when we had gone to find a wearwolf around here. She had said she loved the country and had alwase wanted to live out here. Away from people and mystics. Where in a small town everyone knew you and you alwase keep the same name. I had smiled because im from a small farm town like that.Except mine was in france not the states and had been wiped out in WWI.

I speed up to try to leave the memory of her in the dust. I was meeting a old friend of Eva's in the next town over. He was a wearwolf and i had met him once before. But we didn't exactly get along. He was a good friend of Eva'a and knew i was looking for her. His entire pack was looking for her as well and he had call me a day ago and said he might have so information as to where she might be being held.

So i was off to see him and hopefully get a lead as to where my best friend might be. Because if i dont find her, theres no point in being here  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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