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    114 4 1

    "suffering defeat after defeat, that man's body was reaching its limit. breaking down." A shadow raced across the alleyways of Vale, distorting the space around him. He started across the concrete, splashing the water up. "But, he couldn't die yet. the man had a mission that must be done. To defeat his twin brother."...

    68 6 1

    "What's the difference between you and me? We've both stopped being human a long time ago." "I don't know." "Tell me." "I don't know!" "Tell me!" "I don't know!" His fist curled, shaking with fury. His tormentor stood in front of him, basically defenseless, and yet, Minori found himself frozen in place. His knuc...

  • I HAVE NO MASTER (Ex-Warrior OC X OC)
    30 0 1

    ro·nin (ˈrōnən) noun A wandering samurai who had no lord or master. His pride and hubris were what had caused the demise of his master. Now outcasted and shunned by the family of nobles he had served all his life, Y/N's life had no meaning. He had been stripped of his purpose, his rank, and honor. Banished by his fam...

  • Secrecy
    116 5 1

    Villain Izuku AU Abandoned by his mother, bullied relentlessly, betrayed by his "friends," and denied by his idol, Izuku loses all hope and gives in to the darkness. Embraces it. Welcomes the hatred that had been growing inside him. He unleashes his fury on the society that had wronged him and sets out on an adventure...

  • Standby for Titanfall (RWBY x Male Pilot)
    45 1 1

    The last thing Ajax remembers before he woke up was that the fold weapon was in the hands of the Apex predators. The Resistance had failed. Prying himself from the steaming internal mechanisms of his titan, he opens the chassis, to see the light of day. He looks around and notices that he is in a forest. Stepping out...

  • Fading (Dying Light x OC)
    132 6 1

    After the Harran Virus tore through the city, killing everything and spreading the infections faster than anyone could have imagined, Y/n L/n watched as a horde of the shambling undead broke down his house's door and attacked his parents, tearing through them like a knife through hot butter. The scent of death and dec...

  • Eternal Bloodlust (DOOM ETERNAL x RWBY)
    4.9K 65 7

    (Takes place after the Events of Doom Eternal, so if you haven't played the game, or seen a complete playthrough, I strongly recommend you do. I'm also unsure of ships at this point if I include them at all. I mean, eons-old demon-killing machine + teenage girls. It doesn't seem too promising as of right now. If I cha...

  • Stone-hearted
    12.8K 274 7

    Izuku couldn't believe it. The little green thing had taken his older sister down in seconds. The mercy she had shown it was betrayed, and now, he stood, watching in silence as the filthy thing killed her, and defiled her. He did nothing because he Could do nothing. It was the most painful thing he had ever experience...

  • Unalone
    90.3K 1.5K 29

    (Crossover between John Wick and My hero Academia) After losing his mother to a careless hero's actions, Izuku was sent to an orphanage, where he stayed for years. One day, a man, in all black entered the Orphanage. The Baba Yaga had lost his wife. His dog. the same loss that he had experienced, he saw it in Izuku's...
