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  • š‡šŽš‹š‹šŽš– š‚š‘šŽš–šĀ²~š€š„šŒšŽššƒ š“š€š‘š†š€š‘š˜š„š
    40.9K 1.3K 19

    āšˆ š‡šŽš‹šƒ š€ šŒš€š“š‚š‡ š”š š“šŽ š˜šŽš”š‘ šš€šš„š‘ š‚š€š’š“š‹š„ š€ššƒ š–š€š“š‚š‡ šˆš“ š€š‹š‹ šš”š‘š šƒšŽš–š.āž Bį“€ŹŸį“Ź€į“€ GŹ€į“‡Źį“”į“į“į“… ÉŖs É“į“į“› Ź™į“œÉŖŹŸį“› Ņ“į“Ź€ į“›Źœį“‡ į“„į“€ŹŸŹŸ į“Ņ“ į“”į“€Ź€, Źį“‡į“› ÉŖį“› sį“‡į“‡į“s sŹœį“‡ į“€É“į“… į“‡į“ į“‡Ź€Źį“É“į“‡ į“‡ŹŸsį“‡ ÉŖÉ“ į“›Źœį“‡ Sį“‡į“ į“‡É“ KÉŖÉ“É¢į“…į“į“s į“€Ź€į“‡ É“į“į“› ÉŖį“į“į“œÉ“į“‡ į“›į“ ÉŖį“›'s į“˜į“œŹŸŹŸ. TŹœÉŖs į“˜į“œŹŸŹŸ ÉŖs į“‡į“ į“‡É“ į“į“Ź€į“‡ į“…į“€É“É¢į“‡Ź€į“į“œs į“€É“į“… Źœį“€Ź€į“…į“‡Ź€ į“›į“ ÉŖɢɓį“Ź€į“‡ į“”Źœį“‡É“ ÉŖį“›...

  • šƒšˆš•šˆšš„ š’š€šš‚š“šˆš“š˜ å½” [a. targaryen] [āœ”]
    44.5K 1.4K 25

    ā š–šž š¬š”ššš„š„ š›šž š­š”šž ššžš¬š­š«š®šœš­š¢šØš§ š­š”ššš­ š§šØ šØš§šž š©š«šžš©ššš«šžš šŸšØš«. āž šˆn which a foretold prophecy brings forth more dysfunction than good in the form of a set of twins. [aemond targaryen x fem!oc] [season 1] [š–š€š‘ššˆšš†š’: strong language, mature and dark topics, power-hungr...

    Completed   Mature
  • šŠš¢š§š ššØš¦ šØšŸ šŽš§šž | Jacaerys Velaryon (Reenscrevendo)
    31.6K 1.1K 4

    慤慤š“‚ƒ ą£ŖĖ–šŸ”„O SeptĆ£o Eustace costumava dizer que Daena Targaryen, a filha mais velha do PrĆ­ncipe Daemon, tinha a beleza e a doƧura da Rainha Rhaenys I, concordando plenamente com o Meistre Munkun, que nos dizia que a jovem Lady tambĆ©m possuĆ­a algumas das paixƵes da conquistadora por baladas, danƧa, poesia e, Ć© claro, Dr...

  • š”ø š”¼ š•„ š•„ š”ø || š•ƒš”ø ā„‚š”øš•Šš”ø š”»š”¼š•ƒ š”»ā„š”øš”¾š•†ā„•
    164K 17.6K 31

    No hay dolor mĆ”s grande para una hija que el rechazo de su madre. ĀæLos monstruos se crean o se hacen? Rhaenyra lo descubrirĆ” con š’œš‘’š“‚š“‚š’¶ Portada: @Spider_Kath ā¤ļø

    Completed   Mature
  • WAR OF FIRE AND BLOOD | aegon II targaryen
    343K 9.4K 27

    Daenora, though a Velaryon in name, was born from seeds so tainted that even the blood of the dragon could not fully cleanse them. As the issue of the affair of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Criston Cole she is the heir of a twisted legacy - of everything and nothing. Used as a tool to mend together the divided House of the...

  • š€š’šš‡šŽšƒš„š‹| HOTD
    126K 4.2K 29

    nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. ĖĖ‹Ā°ā€¢*ā€āž· š’œsphodel, house of the dragon 怌 season one to season ? 怍 āœæ 0asphodelmeadows0 Ā© 2022 āœæ 怌 cover by adon...

    Completed   Mature
  • Visions of Gideon, Cregan Stark
    85.4K 2.4K 14

    Is it a video? Is it a video? . . . ā € āøŗ ā €Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon ā € āøŗ ā €fem!oc x Cregan Stark ā € āøŗ ā €cover by @ewgender

  • The First Borns | Aegon Targaryen |
    77.2K 2.4K 16

    Daella Targaryen the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and his first wife Rhea Royce, born a month before her mother's tragic death. The Bloodlust Princess who was never accepted into any family her father created. No one would understand her hatred toward her father... ...until the first born son of Viserys Targaryen was...

  • Kingdom of Ash āœ§ Aemond Targaryen
    3.5K 140 8

    Born in blood, sworn in blood. I enter alive and leave dead. House of the Dragon Aemond Targaryen x o!c Ā© pourrsoul

  • FOREVER & ALWAYS, Jacaerys Velaryon
    96.8K 3.9K 14

    When the bastard daughter of Alicent Hightower's fate is written in the stars alongside Rhaenyra's bastard son's. [House of The Dragon Seasons One- ??] [Jacaerya Velaryon x Fem!OC]

  • šˆš†ššˆš“š„ // š€š„š†šŽš šˆšˆ š“š€š‘š†š€š‘š˜š„š
    19.7K 496 14

    When Queen Aemma tragically passed away, along with her son Baelon, the realm cried. However, along the mourning Targaryens, one child's laughter and cries could be heard. Princess Rhaenys, the twin of her late brother Baelon, survived and was kicking free.

  • A Spoil Of War || Aemond Targaryen
    44.1K 1K 22

    What started out as harmless feelings... Turned to being A Spoil Of War. | A Dark!Aemond Targaryen x OC story |

  • The Hidden PrincessĀ° Aemond Targaryen
    214K 5K 50

    Before the union of Rhaenyra with Ser Laenor Velaryon, an event etched forever in memory took place when Daemon claimed Rhaenyra's innocence in the hidden corners of a brothel, planting a seed of life within the princess rightful to the Iron Throne. Concealing the resulting pregnancy, Rhaenyra bore a bastard, securing...

  • An Eye For A Lie
    10.7K 288 14

    Aelyria Targaryen is the product of Rhaenyra's Targaryen wedding night escapade. She grows up in King's Landing amongst vipers and spiders, and not even her silver hair can save her from the rumors of bastardy. After her brother Luke takes Aemond's eye, her uncle accuses her of doing the deed. She lies and defends he...

  • Rainstorm Queen
    13.2K 1.6K 26

    She's thunderstorms battle scars and laughter Alysanne Targaryen, a montadora de Asaprata. Esse conto nĆ£o trĆ”s nenhuma lembranƧa da Boa Rainha, pois a adoravel filha caƧula do Rei Viserys Targaryen em nada se parecia com sua homonima. Uma adoravĆ©l crianƧa, apelidada pela Rainha Alicent Hightower de Anne, criada sob o...

  • š–™š–š–Š š–”š–™š–š–Šš–— š–‰š–†š–šš–Œš–š–™š–Šš–— | J.V
    32.8K 1K 26

    į“®įµ’Ź³āæ įµƒĖ”įµ’āæįµĖ¢ā±įµˆįµ‰ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ė”įµ’āæįµ įµƒŹ·įµƒā±įµ—įµ‰įµˆ Ź°įµ‰ā±Ź³ Ź·įµƒĖ¢ įµƒ įµ‡Ė”įµ‰Ė¢Ė¢ā±āæįµ įµ‡įµ˜įµ— įµ‡įµ‰ā±āæįµ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ė¢įµ˜Ź³įµ›ā±įµ›ā±āæįµ ā±āæį¶ įµƒāæįµ— įµƒįµįµƒā±āæĖ¢įµ— įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµˆįµ‰įµƒįµ—Ź° įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°įµ‰ ā±āæį¶ įµƒāæįµ— Ź°įµ‰ā±Ź³ Ź·įµƒĖ¢ įµƒāæįµ’įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³. į“¾Ź³ā±āæį¶œįµ‰Ė¢Ė¢ į““įµ‰Ė”įµƒā±įµƒ įµ€įµƒŹ³įµįµƒŹ³Źøįµ‰āæ Ź·įµƒĖ¢ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ‡įµƒįµ‡įµ‰ Ź·Ź°įµ’ Ė”ā±įµ›įµ‰įµˆ, Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµ’įµā±āæįµ’įµ˜Ė¢ įµ–Ź³įµ‰Ė¢įµ‰āæį¶œįµ‰ įµ‡įµ‰ā±āæįµ į¶ įµ‰Ė”įµ— įµƒŹ³įµ’įµ˜āæįµˆ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµā±āæįµįµˆįµ’įµ įµƒĖ¢ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ į“¼įµįµ‰āæ. į“¼āæĖ”Źø Ź·įµ’įµ˜Ė”įµˆ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµįµ’įµˆĖ¢ įµ‡įµ‰ įµƒįµ‡Ė”įµ‰ įµ—įµ’ įµˆįµ‰į¶œā±įµˆįµ‰ ā±į¶  Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ į¶œįµƒįµįµ‰ įµ—įµ’ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ Ź³įµ‰įµƒĖ”įµ į¶ įµ’Ź³ įµįµ’įµ’įµˆ...

  • The Dragon Princess (House of the Dragon)
    34.8K 913 17

    Maegara Targaryen, the second daughter of King Viserys, and sister of the true heir to the iron throne, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, battles the difficulties and curses that accompany being the second child in a family as powerful as the Targaryen lineage. Named after Maegor the Cruel, per King Jaehaerys's behest, Maegar...

  • Baptism | Cregan Stark
    91.6K 4.2K 24

    "Perhaps I was meant to burn alone in this world." Aelyna Targaryen, the realms terror. Her life had been nothing but one great tragedy. War has loomed over her head since the minute she breathed air. [Cregan Stark] house of the dragon au

  • His Depraved Obsession || Aegon Targaryen
    322K 7.6K 27

    What started as simple infatuation became a strong, obsessive desire. Aegon Targaryen saw himself conflicted. His enemies daughter was all he wanted, and he would not be denied what he wants.

  • green queen, black ace | daemon, rhaenyra and vaegon
    64.8K 2.9K 25

    When Alicent Hightower refuses to betray her friend by taking to King Viserys' bed, her younger sister is sent in her stead. Though a different hand may have been played, a dance remains inevitable - even if the performers may be cast in very different roles. And even if the colours instead speak of black and blue. ...

  • Alpha Kane's Obsession
    1M 32.7K 70

    Carlisia ran as fast as her sore legs would let her. Her top was ripped and her knees scabbed from all the time she had tripped on the rough patchy ground. She tripped again, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as a stone bust her lip. She quickly got up, and continued to run. She could feel his presence. No...

    Completed   Mature
  • š™‹š™–š™Øš™© š™–š™£š™™ š™š™Ŗš™©š™Ŗš™§š™š | š™‚š˜¼š™ˆš™€ š™Šš™ š™š™ƒš™š™Šš™‰š™€š™Ž / š™ˆš™š™‡š™š™„š™‹š™‡š™€ š™‡š™Šš™‘š™€ š™„š™‰š™š™€š™š™€š™Žš™š™Ž |
    9K 194 10

    š™ˆš™–š™”š™šš™›š™žš™˜š™šš™£š™© 'š™©š™š™š š™…š™¤š™ š™šš™§' š˜½š™–š™§š™–š™©š™š™šš™¤š™£ š™¬š™–š™Ø š™„š™§š™–š™˜š™©š™žš™˜š™–š™”š™”š™® š™©š™š™š š™§š™šš™žš™£š™˜š™–š™§š™£š™–š™©š™žš™¤š™£ š™¤š™› š˜¼š™šš™œš™¤š™£ 'š™©š™š™š š™€š™”š™™š™šš™§' š™š™–š™§š™œš™–š™§š™®š™šš™£, š™–š™˜š™˜š™¤š™§š™™š™žš™£š™œ š™©š™¤ š™©š™š™š š™Žš™šš™«š™šš™£ š™†š™žš™£š™œš™™š™¤š™¢š™Ø. š™š™š™š š™®š™¤š™Ŗš™£š™œ š™œš™žš™§š™” š™˜š™¤š™Ŗš™”š™™ š™£š™šš™«š™šš™§ š™šš™Øš™˜š™–š™„š™š š™©š™š™š š™˜š™¤š™¢š™„š™–...

  • š‘š„š€š‹šŒ'š’ š“š‡š‘š„š€š“ | š€š„šŒšŽššƒ.š“
    82.6K 2K 13

    Daenys Targaryen the 'Abandoned Daughter' of Rhaenyra Targaryen who have silver hair just like her mother which makes the realm wonder who was her father. Rhaenyra left Daenys at the age of 3 and took jacaerys with her..Daenys have a cold heart for her mother, Alicent then was the one who raised Daenys and loved her n...

  • Dragon Blood || Aemond Targaryen
    112K 2.5K 27

    | In which Rhaenyra has a daughter who is her little lookalike | When Rhaenyra has a daughter, Viserys decides once she is old enough that she should marry one of his sons, one of her choosing The Princess finds herself in infatuation with the Prince Aemond But his infatuation is much, much deeper

  • The Good Wife
    1.3M 38.6K 53

    " I will fuck you whenever and however I want to, and you will take it like a good wife you are."

  • Venenum
    63.4K 2.2K 23

    Hermione travels for the year 1943. All she wants is to return to her friends, but her evasive attitude and behavior that breaks the standards of the time, ends up arousing the interest of Tom Riddle that soon turns into an obsession.

  • The Sweetest Wine
    220K 14.4K 38

    She is 29 when she died from an accident. And then she wakes up in a body of a stranger. To her astonishment,she is a married woman -no,a married girl! 20 years old married girl. She was single in her last life but now she is married. But soon she realised she is not just a random girl. She is in a world of novel she...

  • ( VIOLENCE )
    856K 28.4K 62

    ļ¹’ made by ; @š™šŽšŽšŽš“š„šƒšƒ. ļ¹•ā˜† 慤 ļ¹Ÿ yandere! įµįµƒĖ”įµ‰ įµ‡įµ˜Ė”Ė”Źø, Ė£ female! įµ‡įµ˜Ė”Ė”ā±įµ‰įµˆ Ź³įµ‰įµƒįµˆįµ‰Ź³ 慤ą£­ 慤ׂ : įƓ ! ļ¹ š“ˆ’慤ׂā‹†ļ½”ā€§ĖšŹšā™”ɞĖšā€§ļ½”ā‹† ź•„ šˆšŒššŽš‘š“š€šš“ š–š€š‘ššˆšš†š’ ą³„ą¾€ąæ ā”ā” , š™Øtrong language. sexual content. violence. blood/gore. manipulation. obsession. d...

  • Broken Pieces
    45.8K 1.2K 25

    A 20 year old girl who lived with her mother her whole life. Having to endure the torture she went through growing up. This girl had no name, no form of identification. The girl and her mother got into a horrific accident leading to the death of her mother. This girl was happy the torment was over but what she didn't...

  • Lavender Haze āœø House of the Dragon āœ“
    221K 8.2K 49

    i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say. š“†©ā¤ļøŽš“†Ŗā”Šš–‘avender š–aze, house of dragon [ VOL š’Š. LAVENDER HAZE series ] [ season one to season...

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