Just dropping a few things here. Sloppily done and bored.
Uma garota de 20 anos cursando a faculdade terá que largar tudo com outras 19 candidatas para participar de um concurso ,o prêmio..... ..... Ser a escolhida como nova rainha da grand LINE e se casar com o princepe Roronoa Zoro ,mas nem tudo são flores Nami não quer deixar seu namorado Kidd de uma casa inferior a sua p...
nami en una chica que busca un trabajo para que su hermana pueda descasar y ella fue a trabajar a un restaurante donde conoce a zoro un agente secreto y robin otra agente pero a hora tendra que trabajar como agente
Author: FictionPadfoot Sum: Một sáng tạo hoàn toàn mới của tác giả về diễn biến ở Dressrosa, lấy bối cảnh nhóm Nami không kẹt với Big Mom. Pairing: Zorox Nami Rated: M Lưu ý: Vì chuyện thuộc thể loại hurt/comfort nên sẽ đi sâu vào một số vấn đề khá nhạy cảm & ngược tâm nên sẽ chống chỉ định cho ai k giỏi khoản healing...
El pasado siempre nos alcanza... Lo que se hace en la vida pasada nos afecta en esta... Colegio One Piece, uno de los mejores colegios de la ciudad. Incluye desde educación Secundaria hasta la Universidad. Te invito a que conozcas a los estudiantes, cada uno tiene una historia que contarnos.
Se conocieron en el momento equivocado, se amaron a pesar de que la vida les impedía hacerlo...
Zoro: Một hotboy trong trường One Piece, bị căn bệnh mù đường nặng. Học khá đồng thời là đầu gấu trong trường. Đánh nhau số một. Nami: Một hotgirl trong trường, mê tiền và cam. Là người đướng thứ ba trong trường One Piece. Sợ nhiều thứ đặc biệt là sợ ma. Tuy nhát nhưng một khi đánh sẽ nghiêm túc và cố gắn hết sức. Fic...
Zoro's been having very disturbing nightmares, he hasn't slept for a week and his heart pain is back. The crew is worried especially a certain navigator . A Post Thriller Bark story.
"What part of she is my girlfriend do you not seem to understand?" And that was the end to the rare peaceful day
'Dammit' Nami cursed to herself as she forced the tears back. She couldn't believe that she had any sort of feelings for that man. It hurt to think if he saw her now he would probably laugh at her. Petty things like feelings wouldn't bother him.
"I'm not kissing that lazy idiot!" Nami glared at Luffy and then at the green-haired swordsman like it was his fault. "Not even for 100000 beli!" Nami huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. Why did Luffy have to get out the mistletoe?
highest rank: #1 on zoroxnami Warning: I wrote this fanfic when I was pretty young so the crew can definitely come off as out of character! Not my best work but you can see how a youngster turned their creative juices into a story for fun! Being her money loving self, Nami couldn't get the thought of love out of her...
I didn't realize what I was feeling until it was too late. Until even the littlest things he'd do would make my heart beat rapidly. When the awkward moment we were alone every time he'd speak I'd jump out of my skin and he'd look at me like I had problems. I think I'm in love with Roronoa Zoro.
Perciò ogni pomeriggio, finite le lezioni, andavano dritti a casa sua e si chiudevano in camera; studiavano un po’ e poi si concedevano una “pausa”, il tutto cercando di far combaciare gli orari di rientro dei suoi genitori.Non che temesse di essere ripreso perché a diciotto anni aveva dei bisogni ormonali, ma sarebbe...
This is my take for what happen at Sabaody Archipelago with Bartholomew Kuma. This is what i think would of happen if Nami disappeared first instead of Zoro.
My thoughts what happen between zoro and nami. When zoro was carry nami in alabasta
La historia se sitúa después de la derrota de el temido shichibukai Crocodile. Dos mejores amigas tuvieron que despedirse. Se trata de Nami y Vivi ,ya que, ella es una princesa y jamás podría quedarse con unos piratas, por mas gentiles que sean. Esa noche alguien frío ,el más serio de la tripulacion ,decide mostrarle...
The time is when Luffy,Law and Chopper is fighting against Breed, right before the Dressrosa arc. Zoro comes up to the crow's nest and find's Nami sitting there.
This story talks about how Zoro and Nami love each other and how they both trust and believe in one another. And a bit of Frobin moments zoro is you don't really ship them. MY STORIES ARE MOSTLY GOING TO BE ABOUT ZORO AND NAMI AND FRANKY AND ROBIN!!!!!! AND A BIT OF HUMOR FROM LUFFY AND USOPP. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK...
This story will take place at a school and zoro and nami meet each other for the first time and somewhere in the story there will be a prom for all the straw hats. Which they all have dates. What will happen. I do not own one piece Eiichiro Oda Does! Nor the characters
This story talks about Nami and Zoro and there romance going on in the crew. This story isn't going to be really long probably around 3 or 2 chapters or maybe even more if I'm enjoying writing down the story. Have fun reading hope that you like it. I did not creat one piece Eiichiro Oda did
I do not own one piece nor the characters Eiichiro Oda does. This story will talk about a thief ( Nami ) that found the straw hats and what will she do next will she meet them or even worse I guess you just have to read the story. I hope you like the story :)
This story is going to be at the sunny go. And will continue the story till there. This story will talk about both zoro and Nami on the ship and experiencing different feeling. Something that they didn't know they had for each other. I do not own one piece Oda does
Every night when everyone sleep, one need to stay awake. Nami's problem might just a simple thing until some ignorance swordsman who's always sleeping find it irritating. He just can't help but to help. . . Every character I borrowed from Eichiro Oda's One Piece
One Piece fanfic :) ZoroxNami (Zonami) Nami gets sick! Luckily Zoro is there to catch her... (All rights go to Eiichiro Oda!)