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  • Children Of The Sky (The Scripts Of Neptune, Book 2)
    9.8K 1K 69

    A great evil has been destroyed, but what replaces it may rend the peace hoped for in two... Agnir is dead. Six months have passed, and, still grieving heavy losses, two of the fivesome struggle to maintain a foothold in the precarious politics of a recovering Serpentine court. With nearly everyone against them and th...

  • Instability
    324K 20.4K 38

    Ashley became an interrogator to support her family and protect her city from the anarchic Renegades. When Daniel enters her interrogation room, she can't decide whose mind is more corrupted: his or hers. ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ In the year 2130, water is both life and death. Ingesting water contaminated with Renegadea Protozoa can...

  • Enhancement
    2.5M 138K 101

    Welcome to the nation. Welcome to the place where everything is monitored... everything is portioned... everything is perfectly under control... Everything except the SkyTrain Holland Renner was aboard. In a matter of seconds, Holland finds herself in a world she didn't know existed. Before, she was free within limits...

  • The Amulet Of Nicmir (The Scripts Of Neptune, Book 1)
    56.9K 3.8K 82

    Five teenagers who've lost everything but each other. A two-thousand-year-old king seeking revenge for a wrong committed centuries ago. A magical amulet. A prophecy from a captive mage. What would you do if you acquired a relic stolen from a king, lost your parents, and were forced to flee your home with two strangers...

  • Drops Of Inspiration
    580 34 13

    Here and there, I have sudden inspirational splurges that causes me to think of a whole abstract analogy within seconds. That's when I drop everything I'm doing to type out those thoughts before I forget. It doesn't happen often, but it's always worth remembering. These are a few of my favorites that I would like to...

  • Vagrant (Book 2)
    907 36 4

    *COMING SOON* The ACA is broken. Like it never existed. And for Lynn and Nolan, the truth couldn't be more terrifying. With one of her closest allies gone, Lynn's fight to keep up hope in a world bent on destruction is only growing more difficult. And with the still-uncertain doubt of traitors among them, only few tru...

  • Silent Heroes: Wildcat
    5.9M 262K 52

    "What the hell?" I took a step closer to the mirror, staring at my reflection in disbelief. The person looking back was still me, but at the same time it wasn't. I had the same thick, dark, curly hair. The same hazel eyes. The same olive skin with a light dusting of freckles (ugh) scattered across the bridge of my...

  • From Simian Eyes *Being edited*
    798 47 17

    Born free in the wild and open rain forest of West Africa, cherished by her family and in a secure and safe home, she was set for a bright future. Everything was as it should have been, and it should have stayed that way. But her world was soon shattered when the hairless apes with the black branches came... Seeing he...

  • Agent (Book 1)
    69.9K 2.6K 47

    In 2052, when all of Europe has gone to war, the United States hangs by a thread. Split into twenty Divisions, those who live here are threatened by homelessness, starvation, and life among the ruins. From the ashes of the rebellion comes the American Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), a governmental corporation created t...

  • The Meta Code (Updated Sporadically)
    17.5K 701 45

    Teenage super soldiers Z-25 (A.K.A Hunter) and A-23 (A.K.A Esparonza) created to be the ultimate warriors. They have been locked away after being ordered to kill their own team members. Now, their only hope of freedom is to complete a series of life, or death games. Should they fail... ...well, let's just say they can...

  • Trinity
    1.5K 136 14

    In a world plagued by evil, and darkness. Light will rise to challenge the darkness, good will challenge evil. A prince will challenge a king. Watching as his mother died - the evil king's son, Ryden, only has on goal in mind: to end his father's tyranny. Joined with his friends he will take on a deadly quest for a...

  • A Dreamers Sleep
    326 34 5

    In a dreamers sleep, My soul it keeps. Eyes wide open, Even though they are mightily broken. It's time to wake, Even though life seems fake.

  • Chasing Wattpad
    121K 15K 85

    Is Wattpad a good or bad thing? Are the people on here writers or do they just think they are? Whatever your answer to those questions there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Wattpad and the people that choose to write here. Every day thousands of you get on your computer and chase Wattpad all day long looking for so...