The Dalek's Daughter
What if River had been pregnant when she had been captured by Madame Kovarian? Madame Kovarian, cunning and cautious, kidnaps the unborn child of River Song and the Doctor. But what happens when the Doctor discovers Kira?
What if River had been pregnant when she had been captured by Madame Kovarian? Madame Kovarian, cunning and cautious, kidnaps the unborn child of River Song and the Doctor. But what happens when the Doctor discovers Kira?
The Doctor has his daughter back, and her birthday is coming up. Like any good father, he wants to make it special. What happens when he gets caught? Sequel to The Dalek's Daughter.
Alice Castonia, queen of the Northern Kingdom, has been gone for four months. Captured by Matt Costellia, king of the Southern Kingdom, she has been tortured for the four months she's been missing. Step inside the world of Toarcia, a land riddled by war, and inside Alice's mind as she struggles to escape and lead the...
Albus Severus Potter is a first year at Hogwarts, his brother James is a second year. They along with Rose Weasley, daughter of Ron and Hermione, and Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco, are in for an interesting year at Hogwarts. Voldemort has a son. A son unknown to everyone, including him. A son looking for revenge.
As Shauna leaves work one day, she runs into Luke Hemmings, who just happens to be in her favorite band and her mate. Shauna leaves her home behind to go to Luke's pack, the Star Pack. She learns something highly unlikely, she is mated to four men, the members of Five Seconds of Summer. After a brief period of confusi...
It is the year of the 79th annual Hunger Games. Many of the characters you have come to know and love from other sources have somehow been transported to Panem, where, upon arrival, their name became the only name in the reaping bowl for their gender. Each character, or charcter set, has ended up in a different Distri...
This is a story of four friends who are there for each other no matter what. Lola is dating the famous YouTuber Dan Howell and her friend Selena is starting a relationship with Phil Lester. After being drugged at a pub, Selena and Phil develop special powers. Lola and Dan are attacked by a monsters only known in books...
Random short stories that are unconnected. There is typically no clear narrator. This collection will be rated R for dark intent and possible language.
Anne Young is sixteen, on summer vacation, and restless. She wants to travel the world, be everyone, do everything; but she seems to be stuck in the same fucking rut. Until she goes out for a jog at 2:12 in the morning because she can't sleep and literally runs into Nox Moonbeam, who's staying with her aunt, Anne's ne...
I walk this world unseen. I don't know my name, my age, or what I am. But I know everything else. The past, present, and future. Oh, sure, the future is vague because it can change at any moment, but I know it as well as possible. I can walk in dreams. I like to visit people. I tell them that I can tell them any two t...
A place where our ideas for stories/fan fictions can be posted. We would love to have your opinions on our ideas. Feel free to message us your opinions or comment them.