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Just random Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus funny things and jokes
You don't to be told what this is... It's all in the title and the cover of the book. These aren't mine... I just found them on the internet and I just wanted to make a book out of it.
Disappointed by the lack of Rose Tyler in the 50th? Longing to see how she would react to Clara and Eleven's relationship? Then this is the fanfic for you. Join the Doctor, the Doctor, Clara and Rose as they unravel the mysteries of the most romantic restaurant at the birth of the universe. CopyrightWhovianInSpace9620...
Jo always thought she was ordinary - at least, until the Master came and tore down her world - literally. Now, she knows she's a time lord due to recent regeneration. Because of her sudden new personality crisis, she now feels as though it's her job to get the a Doctor and Clara together. A sequel to the impossible ma...